Friday, April 2, 2010


OK, just read what I typed earlier this week. Our anniversary was on the 27th, not the 29th. Sorry for the confusion.

Work is going fairly well. Almost everyone in the office who is "with child" is very close to their due dates, and will be leaving the office over the next week or two. This will cause a major shift in the office, as others will be covering their desks so the low men on the totem pole will cover the bottoms of the barrels. I am kinda looking forward to the challenge myself. Unfortunately, I run into a personal dilemma...

Last week I developed another absess (sp? .. who cares!!) in my teeth. Went to the dentist earlier this week and after a 2 second exam by the doctor, he told me "they all need to come out NOW!" He is going to get me a quote on the cost of extracting all of my teeth and dentures. Then I will find out what the insurance will cover, and I need to come up with the rest. That's not the dilemma...

In order for me to get it all done, I will need to be out of the office for a few days. I am getting a new "partner" in a couple of weeks, and it's up to me to train him. I have to have the preliminary manual done by next Friday, and the final copy by the 16th. I have a layout of what needs to be done, which is good. Now all I have to do is attempt to put it all together. There is the dilemma. I can't afford to take time away from the office. I have to figure out how to work this.