Tuesday, April 13, 2010

And it's only Tuesday...

What a past few days I've had. I don't know if there was something in the medication I was taking for my teeth, or just what, but since Saturday I was in a really bad funk. It felt like there was a giant black cloud over my head and in my heart. There was no way to explain it.

I went to work yesterday feeling like an unimportant nothing and I wasn't putting enough time and effort into my job. Enough time and effort into my life. Add to that I had about 12 reports to run because I picked up a category while a coworker is on vacation. I got through it, but don't have any idea how. I was at work at 7am, fully expecting to work until 6pm or later. Wound up getting out at 4pm. When I got home, I still felt awful. Last night was the first time in a LONG time I went to sleep before 10pm. And slept until 6am straight through.

Today was a much better day. Still had many reports to run, but got done with 4 of them in the first hour (7 to 8am). Everything was in much better perspective for me, and I got through my morning without too much confusion in my head. I DID, however, send the wrong reports to the wrong group of people. The good part of that was it's all internal customers, but it confused many of them. We had a great laugh, and I sent out the right ones. This afternoon, it blew up again. TWO promo's needed to be written. OK, another late night. Got the first one done fairly early! WOOHOO! Getting ready to start the second one to find out that it will not be ready until tomorrow. Ugh! At least I'm enjoying my job again!

9 days until Ann goes to New York for 3 days!
11 days until Anthony and I go to the ballgame and sit in the FRONT row!
15 days until I go to Missouri for 3 days!

Gotta start making plans for May :)