Monday, May 30, 2011

Thank you...

To all of the servicemen and servicewomen, past and present, for defending our freedom, THANK YOU!

Sitting watching WWE Raw right now, and for the first time in a LONG time, a performer got in the ring with a microphone and said the absolute truth. Kharma, formerly Awesome Kong, a rather large female wrestler, is going to be out for 1 year as she is pregnant with her first child. Everyone in the audience applauded her announcement, and that was fantastic. Be a face or a heel, good news for someone is good news for someone, and I personally wish her the very best.

Friday, May 27, 2011

The curse has ended .. go in peace..

Today is my first "day off from work" in I don't know how long! There were 2 possible poker tournaments to play today, and decided to play in a rebuy tournament at Cherokee rather than a state tournament at Downstream. I think I made the right choice, as I finished 2nd. This is the best my cards have played in a long time, and my first cash in a month. Felt good!

My next planned tournament is Wednesday night at Downstream. It's a state bounty tournament. My only issue is that I am volunteering at a work function on Wednesday, and will have much extra driving to do that day. Hope I don't get too tired.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

We still here...

Well, some 89-year old jackass predicted the world to come to an end last night at 6pm LOCAL TIME. This meant that we would have 24 events that would crucify every time zone at 6pm local time. HOWEVER, if you were a "non-believer" and were going to hell, you would have to endure 5 more months on earth before going. Well, I already know I'm going to hell so I lived it up. Actually did my normal Saturday night thing...went to the casino and lost a poker tournament.

This weekend was actually very productive for me. I did the grocery shopping yesterday morning, rather than today. Then I cut some of the bushes up in my front yard. Was able to clear out the garage TWICE! Got home rather early last night, and the family was at the ballgame, so I was going to watch some movies on Netflix. Unfortunately, it took 1/2 hour for my X-Box to update (been awhile since I've signed on I guess). By the time it was ready I wasn't in the mood to watch anything. This morning, I started my laundry early (just in case), then worked outside some more. Then I realized I needed new underwear (too much info? too bad, you're the one reading!). I wound up buying 2 packages of underwear, 6 new polo shirts, 2 pair of pants and a belt. Then after getting home, worked outside some more.

Tonight, however, we spent the last 3 hours watching the weather. GIGANTIC storms, tornado warnings (one hit Siloam Springs, hoping everyone is OK). Pea sized hail here, but that was the worst of it thankfully.

Tomorrow starts a new week at work. Will keep you updated on that. TTFN!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Random crap...

Just finished watching The Biggest Loser on DVR. I rarely ever watch anything live, except for sports. I cannot deal with commercials very well. Anyway, tonight's show was the "go home" show before the live finale next week. You get to see the 20-week journey for the contestants that have made it to the end. This season there are 2 sisters that made the final three. One of them, Hannah, is so beautiful. Don't get me wrong, they both are. But Hannah has something about her. I noticed it even at the start of the season. I can only hope that, while she may never find the sports figure she was in college, she stays fit and healthy, which she seems to be at her happiest. She is also going to turn LOTS more heads!

This is something I've only done to two people in my entire life ... well, at least in a good way. First was when I was 16 and met a young woman at a teen group. She saw me come in, and I don't know if she knows it but I caught the way she stared at me when I entered the room. The look stayed until she and I shared our first kiss that night. It stayed on up until the day she went to Florida. Unfortunately it was gone when she came back to New York for a visit.

The only other time was my ex-fiancee (sp? who the hell cares). I think I told you the story before, and don't feel like looking back. The look was there back when we first got together, it was there when we got back together for a short time a few years ago (before we moved to Arkansas). I can't say what the reaction would be if we saw each other one more time.

I've been thinking about this lately, how I am not one to turn heads for a good reason. I've turned plenty of heads that had a look of "holy fucking shit, what the hell is that?!?" or "how the fuck does someone let themselves go there?!?"

I am 41-years old, approximately 160 lbs (the heaviest I have ever been!), and quit smoking 12 weeks ago. The new thought that has been crossing my mind has been joining a gym. Too old to want to start something new, too young to die.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

This is the way...

It's been a few days since I've blogged, I know. The site was down and I've been busy. Sorry...

It's a Saturday morning. I am sitting in my office, the music is blaring, and I am getting much work done. Too bad it couldn't be like this every day. I love working in my office, at my cubicle. I'm actually comfortable here (physically I mean). There are 2 monitors, plenty of elbow room so I don't knock into anything if I shift, and it has a sense of privacy without a door. But today, it's just me. It's quiet. I can sing at the top of my lungs along with the music if I like, and STILL get everything done. Going to suck on Monday when everyone else is here and I can't do this.

Anyway, why am I here? Well, we have a large Memorial Day promotion and today I start writing my ship withs to make trucks. It's normal, and I used to do this much more often before my customer changed the due dates. This one they changed back to "normal" so here I am. Beats driving to the casino to lose another tournament.

No folks, have not done well the past couple of weeks. Going to try to take a break until the end of May, when Downstream has their big tournaments. Hope I can make it.

Other than that, everything is normal...

Sunday, May 8, 2011


happy mother's day!

Monday, May 2, 2011

9 years, 7 months, 20 days...

This is how long between 9-11-2001, the day of (my opinion) the worst terror attack on earth, and the day the mastermind of the attack, Osama Bin Laden, has been found and killed...

Ordered a WWE pay-per-view last night which ended about 9:50pm CDT. Decided to be nice to my wife and put on the NY Mets game on ESPN. Two minutes later, the announcers said that Bin Laden was dead, and to tune in to the news for information. Well, there went the ball game.

I shed a tear when I heard the news. Not for Bin Laden, but for all of the over 3,000 victims of the attacks on 9-11-2001 that did not need to die such a needless worthless death. Hopefully this brings them and their loved ones some peace.