It's been a few days since I've blogged, I know. The site was down and I've been busy. Sorry...
It's a Saturday morning. I am sitting in my office, the music is blaring, and I am getting much work done. Too bad it couldn't be like this every day. I love working in my office, at my cubicle. I'm actually comfortable here (physically I mean). There are 2 monitors, plenty of elbow room so I don't knock into anything if I shift, and it has a sense of privacy without a door. But today, it's just me. It's quiet. I can sing at the top of my lungs along with the music if I like, and STILL get everything done. Going to suck on Monday when everyone else is here and I can't do this.
Anyway, why am I here? Well, we have a large Memorial Day promotion and today I start writing my ship withs to make trucks. It's normal, and I used to do this much more often before my customer changed the due dates. This one they changed back to "normal" so here I am. Beats driving to the casino to lose another tournament.
No folks, have not done well the past couple of weeks. Going to try to take a break until the end of May, when Downstream has their big tournaments. Hope I can make it.
Other than that, everything is normal...