Sunday, May 22, 2011

We still here...

Well, some 89-year old jackass predicted the world to come to an end last night at 6pm LOCAL TIME. This meant that we would have 24 events that would crucify every time zone at 6pm local time. HOWEVER, if you were a "non-believer" and were going to hell, you would have to endure 5 more months on earth before going. Well, I already know I'm going to hell so I lived it up. Actually did my normal Saturday night thing...went to the casino and lost a poker tournament.

This weekend was actually very productive for me. I did the grocery shopping yesterday morning, rather than today. Then I cut some of the bushes up in my front yard. Was able to clear out the garage TWICE! Got home rather early last night, and the family was at the ballgame, so I was going to watch some movies on Netflix. Unfortunately, it took 1/2 hour for my X-Box to update (been awhile since I've signed on I guess). By the time it was ready I wasn't in the mood to watch anything. This morning, I started my laundry early (just in case), then worked outside some more. Then I realized I needed new underwear (too much info? too bad, you're the one reading!). I wound up buying 2 packages of underwear, 6 new polo shirts, 2 pair of pants and a belt. Then after getting home, worked outside some more.

Tonight, however, we spent the last 3 hours watching the weather. GIGANTIC storms, tornado warnings (one hit Siloam Springs, hoping everyone is OK). Pea sized hail here, but that was the worst of it thankfully.

Tomorrow starts a new week at work. Will keep you updated on that. TTFN!