Sunday, June 5, 2011

Missing my dad...

Surprisingly today, I haven't thought about him as much as I thought I would. It was 23 years ago today that he was taken from us. As much as he did wrong in life, he was still my inspiration. I love you Dad. Wish you were here.

In other news, the air conditioning in my home is not working. For some reason, we turned it on yesterday and set it at 80 degrees. It kicked on at 82 and was still going when the house was reading 91. The unit works, I just hope it needs maintenance. I am going to call someone tomorrow, and see when I will be able to be home for them to come check out the unit.

Wednesday I will be going to Joplin with my company to help in the cleanup after the massive F5 tornado ripped the town apart a few weeks back. I am glad I can do something to help, especially since I was not able to give blood because of markings on my arms.

OK, too hot to type more...