Saturday, June 25, 2011


I have never put this in my blog before, but even after this length of time I'm still affected by it. Earlier I decided to lay down for a nap. I tend to do this on weekends. I had a dream, and Dottie was in it. This is strange in and of itself, as while I think of her often (more often than I care to mention) she has rarely appeared in my dreams. This time, unlike any of the others, I could FEEL her. I felt her holding me, her head on my shoulder, her arms around me when she hugged me. It didn't feel like I was sleeping; it felt like I was somewhere else totally. I can even remember some of the details of the dream. We were in a home that I have (supposedly) never been in before, and Ann was there too. They actually talked a little bit (and nicely at that). Then we were in a bathroom, and Dot was giving me a gift she brought. I was laughing because what she brought me was made by Gillette, and the funny part was it was where I worked, so she brought me stuff I got for free under normal circumstances.

Sometimes, my dreams are desires that I wish would happen in reality but don't, so this is my way of "fulfilling a fantasy" for lack of a better term. However, there have been times it's a prequel of things to come. This has happened before. However, vivid memories and feelings from a dream have never lasted this long. I hope this passes soon.