Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday night...

And again, here I sit. Watching the NY Islanders (hockey) play the SJ Sharks. Ann and I were invited to a party tonight, but I respectfully declined. There is someone at work who says we are friends, that he likes me. I appreciate that. He's a nice person. However, he does not realize my friends are very limited, and he is not currently on the list. One of these days, he will see how often I decline any (and probably all) invitations he extends and get the idea. Until then, I just continue to be myself.

Heard from my TRUE friend the other day. Started with good news. Very good news actually. Then hit with bad news. I will not go into it, this is not the place. I sent her a message back letting her and her family know how I felt and offered myself up if needed. Like the saying goes: "Been there done that" and we have. Well, that's enough about that.

Played some poker today. Also did some work. Should have continued work and skipped poker, but didn't feel like it. It's the weekend. Next week going to be busy, but I'll get through it. Have before.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Getting to that point...

Where I am not sure what I give a damn about anymore.

I was all excited when I cleared the bushes out from the front of my house. Now they are all bagged up. Time for the next project.

I'm married. Yay! I cancelled the trip to Downstream for the Brad Garrett concert. I told her I wasn't feeling good. Truth is, I just didn't feel like going. An hour plus in the car with her on the way, spending time with her AT the concert, then an hour plus drive home. Nope. Use the money for the worthy cause it was meant for. Works for me.

Work? Well, I am currently handling ALL of the perishable business. We are supposed to be hiring someone, but then I have to train them. Plus I'm out 2 days next week, and I'll be fucked if they think I'm going to cancel or postpone it. Now they tell me I have 2 more comp days because of a major project our company went through. Big fucking deal! I barely want to take the time I've earned, nevermind extra shit they throw.

Maybe I'm just too old. Maybe I just need to get laid and for it to be any bit exciting again. Who knows! At this point, who cares. I apparently don't at the moment.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

And now not so much...

Like many people, I enjoy watching auto racing. While many times, I watch the race to get a good nap (don't ask, I couldn't explain it), I also watch to see "the big one". This term means a large scale accident that involves many drivers. In NASCAR, the cars, drivers, and tracks have many things put in place to keep everyone involved as safe as possible. The IZOD Indy Car series ... well, not so much. For starters, the cars do not have a roof. Today that proved deadly. At the IZOD Championship race in Las Vegas, NV, there was a 15-car accident. More than one car went airborne and hit the fence that sits over the walls. With regret, Dan Wheldon died from injuries sustained in this accident. The accident itself was a sight to behold. Flames, flying cars ... just wow! Then you see the aftermath, and you know the end result will not be good.

Dan Wheldon leaves behind his wife and 2 young children. Rest in peace Mr Wheldon. You died way too young and will be missed by racing fans everywhere.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Feeling good...

About myself ... for the first time in awhile. And I do not say that very often, without pills or alcohol (or both) in my system. Well, this time I DO have a pill in my system, but that is not the reason for the feeling. I think I mentioned that I went to play poker Tuesday night and played like shit. Well, I knew that Cherokee changed their morning tournaments to $20 buy-in with unlimited $5 rebuys. I figured what the hell. I haven't seen my favorite dealer for 5 weeks and wanted to let her know I was alive. Of course, she was not there. However, before the tournament started I decided to throw $20 into a slot machine. Walked away from that machine 10 minutes before the tournament started with a $270 voucher. WOOHOO! I only then spent a total of $50 on the poker tournament...

NOW, under normal circumstances I would come home and relax, because I now had the money for the $115 tournament at 5pm today. Instead, I put the money in the bank and worked on my yard for 2 1/2 hours. The 5 bushes (there were 6, I took one out last week) in front of my porch are now GONE!! That's right! I chopped them all down. On Monday, Ann will go to get lawn bags and Anthony and I will bag them all up to get picked up on Wednesday. It would be great if I knew someone who could pick them all up for burning, but I don't. Such is life.

Now, Ann is cooking dinner and we are going to watch the NY Islanders/NY Rangers hockey game in a few minutes. And after dinner, I'll take another pill. Life is good!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

So much...

Today was the first full day I've spent in the office in about 2 weeks. We were at the CiiC center, then I was ill and worked from home for a couple of days. Got to sit down with my new boss today. He will hopefully learn not to put me on a time clock. My day cannot actually be timed, because I never know when something is going to come up and screw up my "system".

I also recently found out that there was another person in my office who interviewed for the position, but did not sell themself as they should have. I actually thought this person would apply and get the job. Being this person did not get the job, I get mixed emotions. I'm happy about it because it means I won't become a babbling idiot everytime we have to talk. I'm sad about it because it means I will not have excuses to go talk to this person, even if it means becoming a babbling idiot. Yeah, yeah, I know, I got it bad! But proudly I am not acting on it. Mostly because I do not want to deal with the rejection for multiple reasons, not withstanding the most obvious. I mean hell! Look at me and look at her. Uh-huh! Like I would have ANY chance in hell. Eh, like I always say. Nice to dream, right?

Played poker for the first time in 5 weeks the other night. Remembered why I haven't played. I have discovered my game got WORSE. There are tournaments in Tulsa in 3 weeks that I would like to play in. I may go Saturday morning for one more "warmup" before then. It will also determine if I am going to even play. If my game is that off, no point in wasting the money on the tournament, as well as the gas and wear and tear on my vehicle.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Two days in a row...

Wow! Some kind of record, huh? Been awhile since I've blogged 2 days in a row. Today feels necessary though. I had an early plan of playing poker today. Would be a "normal" Sunday (minus the past 4 1/2 weeks). I do my laundry, then shower and leave around 1pm to get there for a 2pm tournament. Well, I decided to trim the bushes in front of my house, even instead of watching football (my team was not on TV). I got carried away and trimmed 3 bushes. Then I went to Walmart for duck tape and gas. Also found 4 new pair of suit pants. 29 length x 36 waist (I weigh 170). When I got home, decided to mow the back lawn. That should be it for the season. After that, I told Ann to take Anthony driving, and I worked on my picket fence. Got the first section down. Only I don't know how many to go! Needless to say I didn't play poker. But I spent wisely so I'm happy.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

I promised I wouldn't cry...

Then I had a double shot of Jack and a large beer. Afterwards, I had another double shot of Jack and a large beer. Now, in my defense, I DID text my wife as soon as I got there warning her she would be picking me up. And she did. I did not drive! However, I did shed a couple of tears against my will. And I sounded like a stroke victim (I slurred EVERY word at that ponit!). And I got sick on the way home. Stupid loaded nachos. So good, but damn if they didn't hurt my throat on the way back up. Two days later, still hurts. That's my excuse because I do not get sick.

Missed playing poker this morning because of some tests that need to be run in our new work system. They were supposed to be online by 9am, it's now 11:30am and I'm still waiting! This project is really beginning to piss me off. They'd better not try to bother me tonight!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

So very tired...

I've now worked 9 days straight, and have 3 more to go. I still have a lot to do too. Hopefully this week runs smoother and next week is easier. I can definitely see a day off (before my mini vacation in November) in my very near future.

Tomorrow I say goodbye to one of very few people in this world I would consider a friend. She and her husband are venturing away to start a new life in a new state. They are taking their daughter and baby-to-be with them. I am going to miss her, and her family (even though I don't see them often).

A frozen condom?? Oh! My! God! I have to stop watching Jerry Springer! The stories are getting stranger as we go. I do believe I can now die, as I have heard just about everything! Apparently, it was a USED frozen condom!