Friday, August 17, 2012

I wouldn't mind one more dance...

Sitting here on a Friday, it's close to lunch time (just a touch too early). There isn't much going on today, so I sit listening to Pandora. You know how songs start memories you did not need at that time. Well, that's been going on for over 3 1/2 hours at this point today. I am still mad that I didn't get to go to New York last month. I figured it out, it doesn't look like I'm going anytime soon. All I wanted was a chance at one last dance. A chance to say the things to people and places that I haven't had the chance to say to them because I moved away quickly and quietly without letting anyone important to me know that I was leaving. I didn't get that one more chance to stop by all my favorite spots one last time to say thank you for all of the times I was able to go and get lost in my thoughts, while all of the time feeling protected and safe (those from my neighborhood will understand that). Nope. Didn't afford myself that luxury. Left for a night in June to look at the area, wound up buying a house the next day. Two months later, packed and gone from New York, not looking back. Everyone asks me if I miss it. I tell them "no" (most times). Fact is there are things that I, in fact, DO miss. I always will. There are people I know I will never see again because I left. There is no chance to call them and say "Hey, let's meet at (fill in spot) for a cup of coffee and catch up on what we've missed over the past 10 or 20 years!" By the time I get back, they are going to be gone. I wouldn't mind one more dance...