Thursday, August 23, 2012

Need to relax...

I am finding that the older I get the more paranoid I become. I was paranoid when I was young, but now it seems worse. Every time someone says "Hey, let's talk" or "hey I need a big favor", I always seem to think the worst. I guess it's just easier that way. Expect the worst, so if it doesn't happen that way I feel better. Better than going the other way, huh? I don't know. Well, found out I did not get the role I applied for at work. Manager told me my interview was "so-so" at best, but he understood. It's been quite a few years since I've interviewed for anything. I still think I'm most qualified for the position, but I understand the reasoning for not getting it. Looking at the person who DID get the job, their position is now open and people say I should go for it. I can't say I haven't thought about it, but the training is so God awful for that role that I feel like I'm being set up to fail. And the person that would do the training still doesn't even understand all of the job (and couldn't keep up with it, hence emails at 11:30 pm -- PS: doesn't make you look good, makes you look incapable!) would have to train me and that would end up a train wreck. Sold Anthony's car. Got the money back that I invested in it, plus a few dollars. Told him to focus on school, will keep looking for a job, and when something comes up, we'll go from there. Saturday tournament in Fayetteville. Dealing! Can't wait!