Sorry, can't think of a title for this thing today. Not really in much of a mood to think of one either. Sitting on the couch right now, watching Arkansas basketball, the Islanders hockey game starts soon, and soon it will be dinner time. Nasty thunderstorm this morning kept me from getting everything done early that I wanted to get done, so the day was shot to hell by the time I got moving. But it's all done now, so I can relax tonight.
Tomorrow, I have to work (from home...every Sunday), but then I'm on VACATION! Woohoo! So much time, and absolutely NOTHING to do! With Ann being out of work, no extra income to go anywhere. We did get to go to a movie last night, because Anthony got to stay at a friend's house. Went to see Seven Pounds with Will Smith. It's not bad, but a little difficult to figure out. That's all I'll say, in case any of my loyal readers want to see it. I rate it *** 1/2 out of ***** (that's 3 1/2 out of 5 for those that don't feel like counting stars).
Go Hogs! They're up by 30 heading to the end of the first half.
Go Islanders! Game starts in 15 minutes.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Good morning all, and like it says above: Merry Christmas!
It's a little before 7am CST and I'm sitting here, on the couch, ALONE! Nobody wants to wake up and open presents. I still love Christmas morning, even though I'm 39 years old and this year not getting anything LOL! I had to fight to not get anything actually. This year, so far, I've gotten a digital camera, a laptop, and a few teeth pulled. I am grateful for it all, and received all of my gifts already, so this time it's about the rest of the family. Now all they have to do is WAKE UP!
It's not a big Christmas this year, but every year we get something big for Anthony. This year we got him the World Tour for Wii. However, this year I got a little tricky. He has a box that contains the game of Clue, as well as two other video games. Well, Clue is not wrapped on its own, but it's in a firelog box along with the two games that are wrapped in something else. We told him that box is his one big gift. He wanted the World Tour or an IPod. This box is not the size of either. I can't wait to see his face. Hopefully I can get some good pictures.
It's a little before 7am CST and I'm sitting here, on the couch, ALONE! Nobody wants to wake up and open presents. I still love Christmas morning, even though I'm 39 years old and this year not getting anything LOL! I had to fight to not get anything actually. This year, so far, I've gotten a digital camera, a laptop, and a few teeth pulled. I am grateful for it all, and received all of my gifts already, so this time it's about the rest of the family. Now all they have to do is WAKE UP!
It's not a big Christmas this year, but every year we get something big for Anthony. This year we got him the World Tour for Wii. However, this year I got a little tricky. He has a box that contains the game of Clue, as well as two other video games. Well, Clue is not wrapped on its own, but it's in a firelog box along with the two games that are wrapped in something else. We told him that box is his one big gift. He wanted the World Tour or an IPod. This box is not the size of either. I can't wait to see his face. Hopefully I can get some good pictures.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Twelve Years of Christmas...
Today is December 23rd, 2008. It has been 12 years since my daughter, Danielle, has blessed me with her presence. She was born December 21st, 1996. For those that are not that good at math, that made her 2 days old. She was 1 1/2 to be exact, as she was born in the evening, and died in the morning. I was only able to hold her twice. One time was in the hospital a short time after her birth, as they allowed her out of the incubator, or whatever the hell it was she was in, to be in my arms, but I had to hold an air tube very close to her face to give her oxygen. The next time was after she died, and I sat in a small room holding her, crying my eyes out, wondering why I got there too late to save her like I had the two times before.
She was born at 22 weeks gestation, and the doctors gave her no chance. But she was a fighter, just like her paternal grandfather. She improved rather than regressed, and she was transferred from the hospital to Stony Brook Medical Center. Each time they had to run a test, they would call and tell me "if she doesn't show improvement, we have to take her off support" and each time I would fly to the hospital (by car) to be there. I would see her before the test, talk to her, and when the test was done, she was good and they left her on.
The third test was not the charm. They couldn't wait for me, and I didn't get there fast enough. When I got there, she was off support and gone. Just that quick. I sat there for what felt like forever holding her, crying. Nurses came over to try to comfort me, but it didn't help. I couldn't even feel bad for other parents who had children in there fighting for their own lives. All I could feel was a strange emptiness that wasn't there before.
Yes, I have a son who is going to be 15 next month, and I love him to death. I owe him more than he will ever realize. The loss of my daughter caused my marriage to deteriorate, caused my liver to ALMOST deteriorate, as all I did for awhile was work, drink way too much JD, and gamble. It cost me a house because I just didn't care about anything. I was hurting. It took me 5 years to get my family back. Planning not to screw that up again.
To anyone who has lost a loved one, I sympathise. But look at it this way. You got to spend time with the ones you loved and lost. You had the chance to grow with them, in front of them. I had all of 36 hours. Think of the good. Otherwise you will end up a miserable bastard, which is the way I am feeling today.
She was born at 22 weeks gestation, and the doctors gave her no chance. But she was a fighter, just like her paternal grandfather. She improved rather than regressed, and she was transferred from the hospital to Stony Brook Medical Center. Each time they had to run a test, they would call and tell me "if she doesn't show improvement, we have to take her off support" and each time I would fly to the hospital (by car) to be there. I would see her before the test, talk to her, and when the test was done, she was good and they left her on.
The third test was not the charm. They couldn't wait for me, and I didn't get there fast enough. When I got there, she was off support and gone. Just that quick. I sat there for what felt like forever holding her, crying. Nurses came over to try to comfort me, but it didn't help. I couldn't even feel bad for other parents who had children in there fighting for their own lives. All I could feel was a strange emptiness that wasn't there before.
Yes, I have a son who is going to be 15 next month, and I love him to death. I owe him more than he will ever realize. The loss of my daughter caused my marriage to deteriorate, caused my liver to ALMOST deteriorate, as all I did for awhile was work, drink way too much JD, and gamble. It cost me a house because I just didn't care about anything. I was hurting. It took me 5 years to get my family back. Planning not to screw that up again.
To anyone who has lost a loved one, I sympathise. But look at it this way. You got to spend time with the ones you loved and lost. You had the chance to grow with them, in front of them. I had all of 36 hours. Think of the good. Otherwise you will end up a miserable bastard, which is the way I am feeling today.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Quiet Saturday
Not much going on, but wanted to keep all of my loyal readers updated (thank you Beth =) for giving me a reason to blog). Managed to sleep until about 8:30 this morning, which felt GREAT! I haven't slept that late in forever. Got to enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee before going out to pay my car loan. Oooooooh, and when I was there, I saw a gorgeous red soft-top 2002 Firebird. The payments are only $3 more per week than what I'm paying now, and being my loan balance is under a threshhold (sp? -- ah who cares) they could have worked with me on a trade. I thought about it for 3.4 seconds, then decided not to make the move. I have a good car (11 years old, no power windows) that gets 26 miles to the gallon, has not given me any problems, and gets me from point A to B (and sometimes C) with no issues. Why would I get rid of it? Because I absolutely LOVE firebirds. And this one was LOADED with a great sound system. But, not the time. When I am ready another one will be there. Hell, they're there all the time LOL!
Also got my Christmas tree up today. It's pre-lit, which is nice. Although I like the lights I have. They are multi-colored, and I can set each strand to blink differently. Watching my tree blink last year would make you nauseus. But we enjoyed it.
Just finished watching the Islanders lose AGAIN! I really have to find a new team to root for. Come on Arkansas. We finally got an NCAA Division 1 hockey team at the University, now build an arena for a PRO hockey team. Even minor league, like we have with the baseball team. Problem is, I don't think they have the formula for ice here. Can anyone send the recipe?
Weather here has been crazy, too. Today it was in the 50s (so they say...I was out, it was chilly!). Then by Monday morning it will be 7 degrees. SEVEN! Not 70, but SEVEN. That's NUTS! But on Christmas, it will be in the 50s again. They say if you don't like the weather, wait about 20 minutes. No joking about that. It holds true.
Also got my Christmas tree up today. It's pre-lit, which is nice. Although I like the lights I have. They are multi-colored, and I can set each strand to blink differently. Watching my tree blink last year would make you nauseus. But we enjoyed it.
Just finished watching the Islanders lose AGAIN! I really have to find a new team to root for. Come on Arkansas. We finally got an NCAA Division 1 hockey team at the University, now build an arena for a PRO hockey team. Even minor league, like we have with the baseball team. Problem is, I don't think they have the formula for ice here. Can anyone send the recipe?
Weather here has been crazy, too. Today it was in the 50s (so they say...I was out, it was chilly!). Then by Monday morning it will be 7 degrees. SEVEN! Not 70, but SEVEN. That's NUTS! But on Christmas, it will be in the 50s again. They say if you don't like the weather, wait about 20 minutes. No joking about that. It holds true.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
OK, what to do now...?
When I was a teenager, I had a couple of people I would call my very best friends. I will not use their real names to protect their privacy. I will say one was male, and one was female. Well, the female and I haven't spoken in awhile, but it's all good. We knew when our time to part had come, and we said goodbye, promised to try to keep in touch (although that didn't work out so well). The male friend, however, basically walked away. No note, no phone call, nothing. There were "situations" that caused him to leave, and this part I understand. I don't know if I understood it then, only being 19 at the time, but I've matured, so looking back I can see why things happened the way they did. But because of this, I have been unable to totally put my trust in anyone anymore. I don't keep friends as close as I used to. I tell people alot, but I don't let myself get close. I've been burned a few times, mostly by family who are pieces of ... well, you get the idea ... but I always believed that true friends were forever, even with time and distance between them.
Well, the male friend, after 20 years, is back in view. He seems to be doing very well, and I am happy for him. He followed his dreams, made them a reality, something I cannot say for myself. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy with my situation, but I know things could be better for myself and my family, and I am working towards that every day. And every day it gets a bit closer.
The thing that bugs me is that I would like to tell this person how pissed I am at them, how hurt I was when he disappeared, leaving me to find the world alone, without a friend at my side to help me through the darkness. He and I were always like that, and it was much more like it after we graduated high school. Everyone else was gone. They went to college, joined the military, or just plain moved away. But he and I were the constants. We stayed, to work and play on Long Island. Then he was gone, just like that.
I wish I knew how to handle the fact that we have contact again. Eh, I guess I should just be an adult about it, let the past be the past, understand the circumstances, and move on. Start fresh right?
Well, the male friend, after 20 years, is back in view. He seems to be doing very well, and I am happy for him. He followed his dreams, made them a reality, something I cannot say for myself. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy with my situation, but I know things could be better for myself and my family, and I am working towards that every day. And every day it gets a bit closer.
The thing that bugs me is that I would like to tell this person how pissed I am at them, how hurt I was when he disappeared, leaving me to find the world alone, without a friend at my side to help me through the darkness. He and I were always like that, and it was much more like it after we graduated high school. Everyone else was gone. They went to college, joined the military, or just plain moved away. But he and I were the constants. We stayed, to work and play on Long Island. Then he was gone, just like that.
I wish I knew how to handle the fact that we have contact again. Eh, I guess I should just be an adult about it, let the past be the past, understand the circumstances, and move on. Start fresh right?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
It's early afternoon, and my work has been done for about 2 1/2 hours. Apparently, they are paying me to sit here and wait for something to come in, because I've gone after everything that I was supposed to already. Later today I'm getting the stitches removed from my mouth, then my son has his winter school concert. Hopefully I'll be able to make that. Not sure how long I'll be at the dentist office, though it shouldn't be long unless he's backed up.
The rest of the week it's supposed to warm up. Today they say it should hit 31, but I don't know if we'll make that. Then up to the 50s by the end of the week, but watch for next Sunday night/Monday morning for another cold front. Son of a sea captain! I moved south to get AWAY from the cold. It's warmer where I am from than where I am. This sucks!!
Just looking at the schedule at work for the rest of the week, and I may want to bring a pillow and blanket in. Tomorrow is normally a slow day, so hopefully someone may invite me to play beanbag toss (cornhole!). Thursday have a couple of BS meetings that I really don't want to nor need to attend. Friday we are having something out of the office for a few hours. That stinks. I can't sneak out early LOL! Ah well, it should be over by 3pm, maybe can go straight home from there.
The rest of the week it's supposed to warm up. Today they say it should hit 31, but I don't know if we'll make that. Then up to the 50s by the end of the week, but watch for next Sunday night/Monday morning for another cold front. Son of a sea captain! I moved south to get AWAY from the cold. It's warmer where I am from than where I am. This sucks!!
Just looking at the schedule at work for the rest of the week, and I may want to bring a pillow and blanket in. Tomorrow is normally a slow day, so hopefully someone may invite me to play beanbag toss (cornhole!). Thursday have a couple of BS meetings that I really don't want to nor need to attend. Friday we are having something out of the office for a few hours. That stinks. I can't sneak out early LOL! Ah well, it should be over by 3pm, maybe can go straight home from there.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Joke of the day...
Old Timer Sex
This is too funny to be dirty - enjoy!
The husband leans over and asks his wife, "Do you remember the first time we had sex together over fifty years ago? We went behind the village tavern where you leaned
against the back fence and I made love to you."
"Yes", she says, "I remember it well."
"OK," he says, "How about taking a stroll around there again and we can do it for old time's sake?"
"Oh Jim, you old devil, that sounds like a crazy, but good idea!"
A police officer sitting in the next booth heard their conversation and, having a chuckle to himself, he thinks to himself, I've got to see these two old-timers having sex against a fence. I'll just keep an eye on them so there's no trouble. So he follows them.
The elderly couple walks haltingly along, leaning on each other for support aided by walking sticks. Finally, they get to the back of the tavern and make their way to the fence. The old lady lifts her skirt and the old man drops his trousers. As she leans against the fence, the old man moves in.. Then suddenly they erupt into the most furious sex that the policeman has ever seen. This goes on for about ten minutes while both are making loud noises and moaning and screaming. Finally, they both collapse, panting on the ground.
The policeman is amazed. He thinks he has learned something about life and old age that he didn't know. After about half an hour of lying on the ground recovering, the old couple struggle to their feet and put their clothes back on. The policeman is still watching and thinks to himself, this is truly amazing, I've got to ask them
what their secret is.
So, as the couple passes, he says to them, "Excuse me, but that was something else. You must've had a fantastic sex life together. Is there some sort of secret to this?"
Shaking, the old man is barely able to reply, "Fifty years ago that wasn't an electric fence."
This is too funny to be dirty - enjoy!
The husband leans over and asks his wife, "Do you remember the first time we had sex together over fifty years ago? We went behind the village tavern where you leaned
against the back fence and I made love to you."
"Yes", she says, "I remember it well."
"OK," he says, "How about taking a stroll around there again and we can do it for old time's sake?"
"Oh Jim, you old devil, that sounds like a crazy, but good idea!"
A police officer sitting in the next booth heard their conversation and, having a chuckle to himself, he thinks to himself, I've got to see these two old-timers having sex against a fence. I'll just keep an eye on them so there's no trouble. So he follows them.
The elderly couple walks haltingly along, leaning on each other for support aided by walking sticks. Finally, they get to the back of the tavern and make their way to the fence. The old lady lifts her skirt and the old man drops his trousers. As she leans against the fence, the old man moves in.. Then suddenly they erupt into the most furious sex that the policeman has ever seen. This goes on for about ten minutes while both are making loud noises and moaning and screaming. Finally, they both collapse, panting on the ground.
The policeman is amazed. He thinks he has learned something about life and old age that he didn't know. After about half an hour of lying on the ground recovering, the old couple struggle to their feet and put their clothes back on. The policeman is still watching and thinks to himself, this is truly amazing, I've got to ask them
what their secret is.
So, as the couple passes, he says to them, "Excuse me, but that was something else. You must've had a fantastic sex life together. Is there some sort of secret to this?"
Shaking, the old man is barely able to reply, "Fifty years ago that wasn't an electric fence."
Friday, December 12, 2008
What a day!
Well, Anthony made it through the night with the baby. He was up 2x during the night with the child, and took care of it all on his own. I am proud of him. And he realized how difficult it is to take care of a baby. So, this morning the baby woke up again, Anthony took care of it, and then I took him to school. Wouldn't you know it? The baby does NOT like car rides...or it could just be my car. On the way to school, same as yesterday when I picked Anthony and the baby up, it cried. I pulled over so Anthony could change the diaper (that's what was wrong), then got him to the school. He turned the baby in, and hopefully he will get a good grade.
I also decided today to work from home. My mouth was hurting, I could barely open my mouth enough to drink a cup of coffee, so going to work was not an option. My boss was really cool about it. He knows if I'm working from home, I have a good reason, and he knew I got 3 teeth pulled. Plus he knows I don't just "sit" when I'm working from home. I actually do my work all day.
Anyway, Ann was at work and called me about 9:30am telling me she would be home "soon", then told me she was fired. There was some BS and the boss (who said it was "difficult" because Ann is her friend...yeah, friggin' RIGHT!) used that to release her. Poor Ann was so upset. She got home and cried a bit. I calmed her down and we talked about it, then she got mad. Can't blame her for that. She knows it's BS that she got fired. So do I, and she won't let me talk to the ***** that fired her.
Two weeks before Christmas, and we're back to one income. Woo friggin hoo! We have the majority of shopping done, which is good. Unfortunately I got the three teeth pulled yesterday and have to make the second half of the payment next week. So I'm guessing the majority of Christmas shopping became ALL the Christmas shopping.
She was planning on leaving there soon anyway, but on HER terms, and with another job lined up before she left. That plan is now shot to hell. But with the experience she gained at this job (there 16 months -- and this is the first time she's ever been fired from a job), she should be able to get another one fairly easily. And she wants to stay in childcare, has very good references, so it should be OK. Now just have to hope places are hiring.
Anthony came home today from school, he's exhausted. He actually asked one of his teachers if the holiday vacation could start today. He wants those 2 weeks off LOL! Can't blame him. Tomorrow he will be able to sleep, but I won't. Have to pay my car loan (5 1/2 months to go, and I pay weekly so it's not as exciting as it sounds), and I'll do the grocery shopping as well, being I'll already be out.
Well, that's it for now. TTFN!
I also decided today to work from home. My mouth was hurting, I could barely open my mouth enough to drink a cup of coffee, so going to work was not an option. My boss was really cool about it. He knows if I'm working from home, I have a good reason, and he knew I got 3 teeth pulled. Plus he knows I don't just "sit" when I'm working from home. I actually do my work all day.
Anyway, Ann was at work and called me about 9:30am telling me she would be home "soon", then told me she was fired. There was some BS and the boss (who said it was "difficult" because Ann is her friend...yeah, friggin' RIGHT!) used that to release her. Poor Ann was so upset. She got home and cried a bit. I calmed her down and we talked about it, then she got mad. Can't blame her for that. She knows it's BS that she got fired. So do I, and she won't let me talk to the ***** that fired her.
Two weeks before Christmas, and we're back to one income. Woo friggin hoo! We have the majority of shopping done, which is good. Unfortunately I got the three teeth pulled yesterday and have to make the second half of the payment next week. So I'm guessing the majority of Christmas shopping became ALL the Christmas shopping.
She was planning on leaving there soon anyway, but on HER terms, and with another job lined up before she left. That plan is now shot to hell. But with the experience she gained at this job (there 16 months -- and this is the first time she's ever been fired from a job), she should be able to get another one fairly easily. And she wants to stay in childcare, has very good references, so it should be OK. Now just have to hope places are hiring.
Anthony came home today from school, he's exhausted. He actually asked one of his teachers if the holiday vacation could start today. He wants those 2 weeks off LOL! Can't blame him. Tomorrow he will be able to sleep, but I won't. Have to pay my car loan (5 1/2 months to go, and I pay weekly so it's not as exciting as it sounds), and I'll do the grocery shopping as well, being I'll already be out.
Well, that's it for now. TTFN!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
New addition (for one night only!)...
This is a picture of the happy (HA! HA!) daddy...
Anthony is taking FCSI in Junior High and a project they have it to take home a baby for a night. They have to take care of it, soup to nuts. Let's hope he keeps it in his pants for a LONG time, because he is NOT ready to be a daddy.
I guess Ann and I can take some blame for this, not giving him any siblings that stuck around long enough for him to be a big brother and see the things you need to do to take care of a baby. God decided not to bless us with more than one in the house and 2 spirits in our hearts.
Today's another day...
It's early for me to post, but I don't know if I'll be online this evening. Today I'm getting 3 more teeth extracted. It is only a few hours away, and I'm actually excited about it. My teeth, as I believe I've stated before, are BAD! Absesses (sp?) are a pain in the butt. So, the more I get pulled, the less pain I'm in. I've been on antibiotics for the past 3 weeks for it too.
Tonight is also the company holiday party. I had no intention of going. Why? Well, I'm not the most social person in the world, I am not "close" to any of my co-workers, to say that I'll be comfortable hanging and talking with them most of the night. Frankly, there are some that I can barely tolerate being around AT work, and I get paid to have to tolerate it. The holiday party is a free thing. It would be way too easy for me to tell someone to take a long jump off a short ledge.
Christmas shopping in my house has begun, at least mine has. I bought a few things for my son, and last night bought something for the wife. Just one of a few things for her too. We also bought a tree over the weekend, that I may put up this weekend if the mood strikes. Now, with College Football done for a few weeks, I may just do it. We shall see. If I do, I'll take pictures and post for you to see the newest addition to the household.
Tonight is also the company holiday party. I had no intention of going. Why? Well, I'm not the most social person in the world, I am not "close" to any of my co-workers, to say that I'll be comfortable hanging and talking with them most of the night. Frankly, there are some that I can barely tolerate being around AT work, and I get paid to have to tolerate it. The holiday party is a free thing. It would be way too easy for me to tell someone to take a long jump off a short ledge.
Christmas shopping in my house has begun, at least mine has. I bought a few things for my son, and last night bought something for the wife. Just one of a few things for her too. We also bought a tree over the weekend, that I may put up this weekend if the mood strikes. Now, with College Football done for a few weeks, I may just do it. We shall see. If I do, I'll take pictures and post for you to see the newest addition to the household.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Saturday evening and...
Here I sit. I am watching the end of the SEC Champ Game and am disappointed. I am also watching the NY Islanders game, and am happy. Just a full range of emotions. My head hurts a little, which is a warning of a migraine on the way. My back hurts, which is indication of a weather change on the way. But it's the weekend, and I have 36 more hours to get over it all before it's back to work. Luckily, I have a LONG vacation coming. Most in my company are taking vacation the week of Christmas. Not me! Nope, I'm taking the week of New Years. Why? Because I can't get the week of Christmas LOL. And I like a quiet office. Nobody there, nobody to piss me off. Good trade off.
Had a cornhole tournament at work yesterday. We had 10 teams, and my partner and I were up in the 5th game of the 1st round. There were 4 great matches before us. Play went back and forth, some games lasted quite a few minutes. Then it was our turn. We lost in 4 turns, it was that quick. Other team got stupid lucky on us. We were ahead the entire time until that round, then it was over ... 1 minute 12 seconds! What's worse, is I'm not the greatest when I lose. Oh well!
Had a cornhole tournament at work yesterday. We had 10 teams, and my partner and I were up in the 5th game of the 1st round. There were 4 great matches before us. Play went back and forth, some games lasted quite a few minutes. Then it was our turn. We lost in 4 turns, it was that quick. Other team got stupid lucky on us. We were ahead the entire time until that round, then it was over ... 1 minute 12 seconds! What's worse, is I'm not the greatest when I lose. Oh well!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Wacky Wednesday
Well, last night I got to watch some Danny Phantom on DVR. Unfortunately I fell dead asleep and forgot to shut it off, so it ran through about 6 episodes before I finally woke up about 4am to shut down the taping and shut off the TV. It's not so bad, but instead of playing "all new" I have to play each individually. What can I tell you, I'm lazy.
While I was laying in bed, before sleep, I started thinking about my mom, and those that she knew and left behind. One of those that came across my mind was her girlfriend, Celia. This morning, her daughter, Christine, appeared and asked for a friend request on Facebook. God does work in strange and mysterious ways. I'm glad though.
Ann is starting to get over her cold. I say starting, because she's not quite there yet, but it's definitely better than it was last night. Also, I finally got our bed fixed. My original plan was (and still is, eventually) is to buy plywood 5-ft 1/2 inch by 2-feet, one inch thick, and "line" the frame of the bed to hold the mattress up and not have it collapse to the floor on one side anymore. Well, a friend of mine at work was saying she and her husband had problems with THEIR bed, so they got rid of the bed and have the boxspring and mattress on the floor. No more problems. Well, I brought that idea home to Ann, expecting to hear "You want me to sleep on the floor?!?!?" Instead I heard "Hey that'll work. No more worries about the bed falling out in the middle of the night." So, Anthony and I took the bed apart, put it in the garage, and will sleep without any worries tonight. I still plan to fix the bed, but at least right now there's no absolute rush to do so.
With 6 minutes left, Penn St is up on Ga Tech 77 to 68 in Men's Basketball. Only reason I'm watching is because the Arkansas game is in halftime LOL!
That's about it for now. More another day, I promise.
While I was laying in bed, before sleep, I started thinking about my mom, and those that she knew and left behind. One of those that came across my mind was her girlfriend, Celia. This morning, her daughter, Christine, appeared and asked for a friend request on Facebook. God does work in strange and mysterious ways. I'm glad though.
Ann is starting to get over her cold. I say starting, because she's not quite there yet, but it's definitely better than it was last night. Also, I finally got our bed fixed. My original plan was (and still is, eventually) is to buy plywood 5-ft 1/2 inch by 2-feet, one inch thick, and "line" the frame of the bed to hold the mattress up and not have it collapse to the floor on one side anymore. Well, a friend of mine at work was saying she and her husband had problems with THEIR bed, so they got rid of the bed and have the boxspring and mattress on the floor. No more problems. Well, I brought that idea home to Ann, expecting to hear "You want me to sleep on the floor?!?!?" Instead I heard "Hey that'll work. No more worries about the bed falling out in the middle of the night." So, Anthony and I took the bed apart, put it in the garage, and will sleep without any worries tonight. I still plan to fix the bed, but at least right now there's no absolute rush to do so.
With 6 minutes left, Penn St is up on Ga Tech 77 to 68 in Men's Basketball. Only reason I'm watching is because the Arkansas game is in halftime LOL!
That's about it for now. More another day, I promise.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
What's in a Tuesday???
Well, it's late evening here now. Sitting around watching the news, chatting with a friend on Yahoo! and debating on when to go to bed. I'm not really tired, but I am restless. I am "proud" to say I tape "Danny Phantom" from NickToons, and it helps me sleep. I could go to bed and put those on. My wife is sick, so she's been sleeping on the couch (don't ask, it's backwards to me too!). I could start playing back "Eli Stone" but I don't feel like watching it tonight. TV has become so bad this week that I save the shows to watch the next night to get through until bedtime. Strange, but true. I warned you at the top of the page "Steaming pile of ..." If you made it this far, well, I'll try to make the next paragraph better.
Something I heard on the news today...
"The neighborhood is good. Well, except for the drugs. And the prostitution. And the speeding. And you have to watch your stuff so it doesn't get stolen. But it's a good neighborhood."
For the sake of the neighborhood in question, and for fear that the US may disown that neighborhood, I won't say where it is. I WILL say, however, it's not my town. So I'm still happy where I live. Have fireplace, will stay home nights.
Tomorrow at work is going to be sloooooooow. The good thing is, I created a couple of new reports for the ice cream business, so hopefully I can get a little more involved with that and it will keep me busy a little longer than usual for a Wednesday. Otherwise, I leave early and do the "AWA" thing (alternate work arrangements --- work from home). Sounds more professional doesn't it?
Well, that's about it for now. The news is almost over, so I'll let my wife go to sleep in the quiet, and I'll go be noisy with the TV in another room.
Something I heard on the news today...
"The neighborhood is good. Well, except for the drugs. And the prostitution. And the speeding. And you have to watch your stuff so it doesn't get stolen. But it's a good neighborhood."
For the sake of the neighborhood in question, and for fear that the US may disown that neighborhood, I won't say where it is. I WILL say, however, it's not my town. So I'm still happy where I live. Have fireplace, will stay home nights.
Tomorrow at work is going to be sloooooooow. The good thing is, I created a couple of new reports for the ice cream business, so hopefully I can get a little more involved with that and it will keep me busy a little longer than usual for a Wednesday. Otherwise, I leave early and do the "AWA" thing (alternate work arrangements --- work from home). Sounds more professional doesn't it?
Well, that's about it for now. The news is almost over, so I'll let my wife go to sleep in the quiet, and I'll go be noisy with the TV in another room.
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