Good morning all, and like it says above: Merry Christmas!
It's a little before 7am CST and I'm sitting here, on the couch, ALONE! Nobody wants to wake up and open presents. I still love Christmas morning, even though I'm 39 years old and this year not getting anything LOL! I had to fight to not get anything actually. This year, so far, I've gotten a digital camera, a laptop, and a few teeth pulled. I am grateful for it all, and received all of my gifts already, so this time it's about the rest of the family. Now all they have to do is WAKE UP!
It's not a big Christmas this year, but every year we get something big for Anthony. This year we got him the World Tour for Wii. However, this year I got a little tricky. He has a box that contains the game of Clue, as well as two other video games. Well, Clue is not wrapped on its own, but it's in a firelog box along with the two games that are wrapped in something else. We told him that box is his one big gift. He wanted the World Tour or an IPod. This box is not the size of either. I can't wait to see his face. Hopefully I can get some good pictures.