It's early for me to post, but I don't know if I'll be online this evening. Today I'm getting 3 more teeth extracted. It is only a few hours away, and I'm actually excited about it. My teeth, as I believe I've stated before, are BAD! Absesses (sp?) are a pain in the butt. So, the more I get pulled, the less pain I'm in. I've been on antibiotics for the past 3 weeks for it too.
Tonight is also the company holiday party. I had no intention of going. Why? Well, I'm not the most social person in the world, I am not "close" to any of my co-workers, to say that I'll be comfortable hanging and talking with them most of the night. Frankly, there are some that I can barely tolerate being around AT work, and I get paid to have to tolerate it. The holiday party is a free thing. It would be way too easy for me to tell someone to take a long jump off a short ledge.
Christmas shopping in my house has begun, at least mine has. I bought a few things for my son, and last night bought something for the wife. Just one of a few things for her too. We also bought a tree over the weekend, that I may put up this weekend if the mood strikes. Now, with College Football done for a few weeks, I may just do it. We shall see. If I do, I'll take pictures and post for you to see the newest addition to the household.