Here I sit. I am watching the end of the SEC Champ Game and am disappointed. I am also watching the NY Islanders game, and am happy. Just a full range of emotions. My head hurts a little, which is a warning of a migraine on the way. My back hurts, which is indication of a weather change on the way. But it's the weekend, and I have 36 more hours to get over it all before it's back to work. Luckily, I have a LONG vacation coming. Most in my company are taking vacation the week of Christmas. Not me! Nope, I'm taking the week of New Years. Why? Because I can't get the week of Christmas LOL. And I like a quiet office. Nobody there, nobody to piss me off. Good trade off.
Had a cornhole tournament at work yesterday. We had 10 teams, and my partner and I were up in the 5th game of the 1st round. There were 4 great matches before us. Play went back and forth, some games lasted quite a few minutes. Then it was our turn. We lost in 4 turns, it was that quick. Other team got stupid lucky on us. We were ahead the entire time until that round, then it was over ... 1 minute 12 seconds! What's worse, is I'm not the greatest when I lose. Oh well!