Monday, January 26, 2009

Manic Monday...

It's 8:09pm CST as I start typing this, and I am watching Monday Night RAW with a fire burning in the fireplace and the smell of popcorn filling my living room.

Well, that's the highlight ...
Now for the lowlight ...

Northwest Arkansas is experiencing a winter ice storm. I have raised the volume of my television to try to drown out the sound of rain/sleet/ice pelting my windows, and hoping that we do not lose power or pipes due to the freeze. This will be continuing through tomorrow, and actually including snow flurries tomorrow evening. Why can't it be ALL snow?? That would be wonderful. I would much rather have a foot of snow instead of the 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches of ICE they are predicting.

I have emailed my bosses and informed them that I will not be back to work until the spring thaw. OK, that's not totally accurate. I advised them I will be working from home tomorrow, and will decide on Wednesday as tomorrow night approaches and see what the weather holds at that time.

My son was released from school early today. We are on the "phone list" for the school to call to inform us when something like this happens, and they called at 12:53pm to advise us of a 1:45pm release. This worked well as the radio station I was listening to did not announce it until 1:36pm, followed by a phone call from Anthony at 1:37pm asking me to pick him up at school because "I don't want to ride the bus home" to which my reply was "too bad, take the bus!" Now, I do not carry any remorse over this decision. The buses get much more respect on the road than a regular car, it's BIGGER, so it can take an impact better (God forbid!), and it was frankly too damn cold out! Plus, I was working, and really couldn't leave for the hour and a half it would take to get to him, get him in the car, and get him home (it's a 13-mile round trip kids!)