If you've been following my rantings lately, you know it has not been the best start to 2009. Ann has been out of work for 6 weeks now. I got paid last week, blinked, and now counting the days until the next paycheck, where I get to blink again, open my eyes, and see what I saw when my eyes were closed ...
The good thing is work is going well. I enjoyed my "day off" on Monday (please note sarcasm, there's no button for it). I worked all day, but I didn't mind. Nothing was going on. I still had the day with my family, even though I bounced back and forth between my work laptop and my television (watched the NY Islanders lose in OT).
Well, yesterday evening brought a whole new adventure. And, I will try to keep this as un-disguisting (not a word? too bad, my blog!) as possible. I went to the bathroom shortly after I got home (forgot the magazine), and when I was done, I flushed. Well, what went in went down, which was the positive of the situation. The negative? The water didn't. It kept going up! I wasn't quick enough to stop the flow from the inner workings (the tank thing in the back), and of course it went over. Add to that the friggin' water was COLD! Well, I managed to stop the flow, so it was only about 1/4 inch of water on the floor, and Ann & Anthony got me towels quick enough so it didn't run out of the bathroom and onto the carpet in the bedroom. I grabbed the plunger (more water on the floor!) and tried to undo whatever did the clog. That didn't work. Ann went out to buy some Dran-O, figured maybe there was something in the bathroom sink that was blocking the pipes, and of course THAT didn't work. I plunged a few times (my exercise for the week) and the water slowly went down. But no WHOOSH from the flush.
This is the first time I can honestly say I am SOOOO grateful for 2 bathrooms in a house. Otherwise, things could have been very interesting. My intent was to let it go the night, hoping a friend was right, and it would work itself out overnight. If not, call in sick to work and hit the home stores for a way to fix the situation. Well, I woke up this morning, flushed the toilet (and froze my feet again .. the towels that absorbed the water were ICE!) and of course, it filled. Oh hell. Out of the bathroom, dry my feet, and look for my phone. Well, the feet dried and thawed out, and I hear WHOOSH! coming out of my bathroom. Could it be? YES, there is a God and he unclogged my toilet. I flushed it again just to be sure. WHOOSH! What a beautiful sound!
Well, the towels are all off my bathroom floor, they are drying (they will be washed later this week when I decide to go to the laundromat ... too many for our washer, would take a month), and I have 2 working toilets again. Someone suggested it could have been frost built up in the pipe (it has been very cold the past few days, much worse at night). So I'll pass on the tip to you that they gave to me. Pour hot water (not boiling, just hot like you would use in the shower) into your toilet and flush. However, do this BEFORE it doesn't WHOOSH! or it's kinda pointless. This will keep the pipes from building frost and allow the toilet to continue flushing.
To a man I am proud to say is more than a "higher up" but a friend, I thank you for beginning to follow these random rants. I hope I am able to keep you, as well as my friends who I know read this, as well as the ones I don't know they read this, very entertained (wow, THAT was long-winded huh?).
President Carter was born with his father's eyes. Well, when that happened, how was his father able to see?!?!? Sorry, commercial caught my attention, and I'm in a mood, because the Islanders are actually winning. Let's hope this lasts.