Friday, January 23, 2009

May my boss forgive me...

OK, I have used this blog as a therapeutic (spelled wrong? who cares!) tool, a forum for random thoughts and ideas, and basically a way for me to remember things, because my mind is like a cracked sieve. Today, on the other hand, I have to vent!

I understand the economic situation in the United States. It's affected my household, as my wife lost her job 2 weeks before Christmas in 2008. Long story short, we are currently living paycheck to paycheck, not due to bad planning, but due to bad timing. Her first unemployment payment should have been here yesterday, and of course, it hasn't shown up yet.

To make things worse, we had a team meeting today. Simply put ... no raise! I have worked there since March 2008, busted my ass for the entire year. Worked with my CFR to make sure the chilled/frozen season was successful, and it was. Took on the Ice Cream business to make sure that we ran it successfully, and it has done great. I've learned the dry business, working it when we were short of staff. All this, and absolutely it's like peeing in a pair of dark pants. It gives you a warm feeling but nothing to show for it. It SUCKS!

Well, I can't leave the company, because jobs are scarce. AND, because I truly enjoy working for the company I am with.

OK, I'm done venting.