...well, good things never really took place this week. I did work on Monday. I knew I would, and I didn't mind. I had absolutely no other plans for that day. Tuesday and Wednesday I played poker. Lost both tournaments. Went to Bordertown yesterday to see the OTB that they have. It's decent. Did nothing today. Played alot of XBox and now watching the Breeders Cup on ESPN2.
I love watching horse racing. The horses are so beautiful to watch. Today, however, I saw something I have never seen in 41 years of watching racing. Two jockeys got into a fistfight after a race. Now, let's keep in mind that I am taller than most jockeys. I also outweigh them by about 40 lbs or so. I do respect jockeys, as they keep their body fat very low and are extremely strong. I do not. What I never expected was to watch a jockey have to be put in a full nelson and be held by THREE men (none of them jockeys) so he wouldn't go after another jockey, and they had a helluva time holding him!! He was MOVING them backward. I am still in shock over it.
Not sure if I am going to take the ride to Bordertown tomorrow to bet on the races. Will see how I'm feeling, how the family is, etc. I will probably change my mind 7 or 8 times before coming to a decision not long before I would have to leave.
One other note...as I mentioned above, I played poker 2 days this week. Both tournaments were at Cherokee. I was shocked to see the tables out on the casino floor. They built a poker room about a year ago to keep the players separate from the slots. It was great. Many TV's around, no smoke (yes, I smoke, but playing keeps me from smoking). Well, apparently that room is going to get slots, and the new room is not ready yet. So the geniuses in charge decided to move the tables out early rather than respect the players and leave them there until the new room was ready. STUPID! However, I did find out that they are putting in an OTB at Cherokee. WHEEEEEEEE!!! Much easier travel, and personally, not crazy about Bordertown as a casino. Too bad it wasn't ready by today though. LOL!