Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What a week...

Have not felt good most of the week. Caught a migraine on Monday at work, mostly in my left eye. In case you wonder, I suffer from exotropia (I think that's how you spell it). Basically, the muscles in my eyes are bad, and I only "look" out of one eye at a time. The other tends to travel outward, making me look somewhat crosseyed. Well, my right eye is dominant, so I use that one most of the time. I had a Live Meeting on Monday afternoon, and when the screen popped up, it was brighter than normal. The light went into my left eyeball (the eye was to the left), and went right to my head. The pain was severe, meaning instant migraine. Finally, my head is starting to feel better, but I still have nausea in my stomach. Eating doesn't help; not eating doesn't help. Sleep doesn't seem to make a difference. I left work early yesterday, came home and slept half the day. Still felt like crap. Today I planned to work from home, then saw a mandatory meeting, so I went into the office. After the meeting is our annual Thanksgiving lunch. I didn't stay. Don't feel up to eating, talking, etc. So I came home and will work from home the rest of today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Despite how I felt yesterday, I took Anthony to school last night for CAP Conferences. Basically it is to pick his classes for next year. It's a good thing I went, because we discovered there are 2 classes he has to make up from 9th grade. He can take care of those in summer school. This year he is doing well. He is passing every class, so as long as everything stays good, he will be fully caught up for his 11th grade classes.