Already! Wow this year has gone fast. Been thinking about what I may have missed. Can't seem to come up with much of anything. Sex with other women? Nah. Can barely take care of the one I have, never mind disappointing others. Job opportunities? Nope. Have a chance to prove that I am ready for the "next level" at work. While not the most comfortable, doing well enough. Thankfully, I have great co-workers as a support system, and 2 bosses who are more than willing to help me out and answer any stupid questions I have. Travelling? Well, I did skip my planned trip to New York, but looks like I may be locked in for late spring/early summer 2011. Promised to take Anthony fishing off a party boat if he passes all of his classes. He still remembers the one time we did go fishing when we lived in New York, and I want him to experience it with me on a boat at least once. Also, it will just be the two of us. Not taking the wife. Men's week out. Now I just hope he passes everything. So far so good!
This past week was rather uneventful. I worked 3 days, then worked a little on Thursday, monitored email Friday, had the day (and the work laptop) off on Saturday, and today is a normal Sunday. I retrieve whatever reports I can, then do nothing. Well, except I have a conference call at 1pm CST, but I planned for that. I have End Of Month coverage this month. Actually chose it, knowing I would be home for Thanksgiving so there are no issues with me getting online. Plus, today I do the laundry, and not watch much NFL (games have not excited me this year, don't know why).
Tomorrow it's back to a normal schedule. Also have to find a railroad track to put around the base of my Christmas tree. It's my reason to even put up a tree. Yes, I'm a grinch! Have been for 14 years now. I have my reasons, but always try to make the best of it for the rest of the family. One day I may tell you about it. But, be prepared. It's a really long story! Until then...