I always look forward to this day. It is the start of the "Road to Wrestlemania" in the WWE! Tonight is the Royal Rumble. And this year, they have upped the entries to 40 instead of the 30 it has been for ... like ... EVER! I so enjoy this Pay Per View. Then, the Elimination Chamber comes next, and finally, on April 2nd, 2011, it's Wrestlemania! The annual event that started in 1985 and has been phenomenal ever since.
It's morning right now, and I just got back from the grocery store not too long ago. Soon I will start my laundry and "putt around" until the NHL All-Star Game at 2pm (I think it's at 2).
Went to the doctor Friday because my arm has been going numb (while I'm sitting doing nothing) and the occassional (sp?) chest/shoulder pain. Also, took my blood pressure at Walmart the other day and it was 146/91. Scared me. He took my pressure, and both numbers were normal. However, he is sending me for a Cardiac Stress Test and a chest x-ray to look for lung cancer. He also wants me to take my pressure 3x a week for the next 2 weeks, then report it to him on my follow up visit on the 11th. Took it at Walmart this morning, and the first number was 127. GREAT! Even lower! Second number, however, was 101, which is stated as "Stage 2 Hypertension". SHIT! Pulse rate was 99. That can't be good either, I'm sure. Will see what happens next week. Not going to say I'm a bit concerned. But, until I am told one way or the other, not going to let it affect me.
Also got a prescription for Chantix. Yes, it's time for me to quit smoking. Unfortunately, my insurance company will only cover this by mail order. So, Monday morning I will be mailing it in. Do not want to pay whatever the cost is at the pharmacy, that's for sure. The idea is to save money without making me bankrupt.
Ann is worried, I can tell. She won't say it. She never does! But, when I told her the doctor was sending me for an x-ray to check for lung cancer, I could read it in her eyes. Trying not to bring it up, but every now and then, I need to talk about it, and she has to learn to let it out and deal with it. Otherwise, it won't be any fun if I have it. Hey, I gotta laugh. Otherwise I may cry. I'm too fucking young for this shit. Not supposed to die for another 17 years. That was the agreeement I had with God when I was a teenager! He's agreed to everything else, he sure better agree to this one.
Played poker yesterday. Charity event for the Boys & Girls Club of Benton County. Didn't embarrass (sp?) myself, which was good. Finished 2nd on the Unilever team (not second out, second to LAST out). And 1st on my floor, which is all I count anyway *SMILE*. It was fun. Wish I could have done better, but sometimes when you play idiots, they win in idiot ways.
That's about it for now. Will try to get another post in before Friday. If not, will definitely post over the weekend.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
It wasn't a normal Saturday. Don't get me wrong, it started out that way. I did my normal "Saturday work" but made a bet with myself in my head. You see, I wanted to play poker, and there is a tournament at Cherokee at 10am. Well, it was 8:30 and I ran my Ice Cream Replenishment Report. When I pulled it up, I noticed 213 new lines on it. Well, shit! There is no way I can look up that many items in time. But I challenged myself. If I got it done by 9:10am, I would go. I was done at 9:08, so went to play. What a waste of time. A guy (claiming it was his first tournament ever) kicked 3 of our asses in less than 45 minutes. He was a calling station, and caught EVERY hand. It was awful. Anyway, I got home later (about 12:30) because I stayed to play slots awhile. Ann had gone to Blockbuster for Anthony, then went to Sam's. He went to play the game he rented, and it was bad. So about 3:00 or so, she took him back and I was playing Left 4 Dead on XBox. The game made me physically ill. I got a horrible migraine, nausea. Had to go lay down. Fell asleep about 3:30. When I woke up at 5:30pm, Ann tells me she heard on the radio that the Jason Aldean/Eric Church concert (with The JaneDear Girls) was NOT sold out. Being there were no stupid questions asked yet, I asked one. "Do you wanna go?" Quickest reply I ever received "Yes!" So, we showered, got dressed, got directions, and away we went.
The ride TO Fayetteville only took about 1/2 hour, which I figured. The problem with finding out where I had to go took 45 minutes. I don't know Fayetteville, and I do not know the U of A campus. I finally parked about 7:30. That's the time the concert was starting. So much for seeing The JaneDear Girls (which I heard were not bad). We walked about 1 1/2 miles (UP-FUCKING-HILL!), got our tickets, and went in.
The concert was FANTASTIC! These two put on a helluva show. And the females there?? Oh My Goodness! If I was younger, taller, muscular, and good looking (OK, fine, and single). The highlight though was a young blonde woman in front of me with what looked like Shirley Temple curls. She was adorable. Beautiful even. But the poor thing had absolutely NO RHYTHM whatsoever! Hilarious to watch her try to dance to the music.
After the concert, walking to the car was much easier (it was downhill) and getting back to the highway was quick. We were hungry, and I had a plan. Grab dinner at Denny's, then next door to the hotel for some quick hotel sex, then go home. At Denny's we found one of my wife's ex co-workers and her husband (we saw them at the concert) so we had dinner with them. Made it too late for hotel sex. Actually, made it too late for ANY sex. Got home, got into pajamas, and went to sleep.
I woke up this morning at 7:30 because I have my normal Sunday chores to do (shopping, laundry, sit on ass and watch football like a real man). Tonight will be an early sleepy night. Then tomorrow, it's back to a normal work schedule. Normal. Yeah right. I have 11 meetings in 3 days. When the hell am I going to get any work done? LOL!
The ride TO Fayetteville only took about 1/2 hour, which I figured. The problem with finding out where I had to go took 45 minutes. I don't know Fayetteville, and I do not know the U of A campus. I finally parked about 7:30. That's the time the concert was starting. So much for seeing The JaneDear Girls (which I heard were not bad). We walked about 1 1/2 miles (UP-FUCKING-HILL!), got our tickets, and went in.
The concert was FANTASTIC! These two put on a helluva show. And the females there?? Oh My Goodness! If I was younger, taller, muscular, and good looking (OK, fine, and single). The highlight though was a young blonde woman in front of me with what looked like Shirley Temple curls. She was adorable. Beautiful even. But the poor thing had absolutely NO RHYTHM whatsoever! Hilarious to watch her try to dance to the music.
After the concert, walking to the car was much easier (it was downhill) and getting back to the highway was quick. We were hungry, and I had a plan. Grab dinner at Denny's, then next door to the hotel for some quick hotel sex, then go home. At Denny's we found one of my wife's ex co-workers and her husband (we saw them at the concert) so we had dinner with them. Made it too late for hotel sex. Actually, made it too late for ANY sex. Got home, got into pajamas, and went to sleep.
I woke up this morning at 7:30 because I have my normal Sunday chores to do (shopping, laundry, sit on ass and watch football like a real man). Tonight will be an early sleepy night. Then tomorrow, it's back to a normal work schedule. Normal. Yeah right. I have 11 meetings in 3 days. When the hell am I going to get any work done? LOL!
Friday, January 21, 2011
Snow daze
Yes, folks! It's the south. It's winter. And it snowed here yet again. I thougth I moved away from it. It wasn't much .. only about 3 inches or so. But around here, 1 inch will shut down the entire county. Scary huh? Fortunately, the laptop provided by my employer allows me to work from home, so I can still get things done without having to drive in inclement weather. Today, I stayed home because I don't feel well. The weather the past couple of weeks has been so vast (warm, cold, hot, ice cold) that I think it's beginning to catch up with me. I am aches and pains. Too young for this crap! Then again, I don't take care of myself worth a damn either, so I'm actually surprised I'm still in as "good" a condition as I am.
Wife and I were planning to go to Cherokee Casino last night to see Tracy Lawrence in concert, but the snow and icy road conditions kept us home. All for the best I think. The concert started at 10pm, but Ann was asleep by 9:45pm.
Played poker this past Tuesday night. Did well, but I have way too many shortcomings in my game. Should have taken 2 players out, but didn't take out either. Knew I had "the nuts" (best possible hand), and decided to lowball it instead of pushing and having them call (I didn't bet enough)! Next Saturday I am playing in a charity event for the Boys & Girls club. Last year I was a dealer in the tournament. This time I am going to be a participant. I hope I play a bit better than I did the other night.
More snow being called for this Sunday night. Could mean another day working from home. At the least, schools will be closed for the 3rd straight school day.
Well, that should catch everyone up. Hopefully will not be another 8 days before my next post. TTFN!
Wife and I were planning to go to Cherokee Casino last night to see Tracy Lawrence in concert, but the snow and icy road conditions kept us home. All for the best I think. The concert started at 10pm, but Ann was asleep by 9:45pm.
Played poker this past Tuesday night. Did well, but I have way too many shortcomings in my game. Should have taken 2 players out, but didn't take out either. Knew I had "the nuts" (best possible hand), and decided to lowball it instead of pushing and having them call (I didn't bet enough)! Next Saturday I am playing in a charity event for the Boys & Girls club. Last year I was a dealer in the tournament. This time I am going to be a participant. I hope I play a bit better than I did the other night.
More snow being called for this Sunday night. Could mean another day working from home. At the least, schools will be closed for the 3rd straight school day.
Well, that should catch everyone up. Hopefully will not be another 8 days before my next post. TTFN!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Happy Birthday Anthony!
My son turns 17 today. Where did the time go? It seems like only yesterday he was born. I can still remember the events of the day as clearly as I remember what keys are where on the keyboard. Just can't remember what I had for dinner the other night :(
Starting my mentoring today with a student at a local elementary school. Looking forward to it, but really hoping he and I "hit it off" so he will continue to have a mentor for the remainder of the school year. I will admit, I'm a bit nervous. It's been a long time since I've had to have a conversation with a child that I've never met, and who isn't my own.
Preparing for the "busy season" at work. Everyone thinks the season starts in March, but I've seen an increase in sales in February. Either way, I'm mentally ready for it, and looking forward to it. I actually like working. Keeps me from sitting, doing nothing, and thinking too much :)
Well, that's about it for now. Take care y'all. See you again soon!
Starting my mentoring today with a student at a local elementary school. Looking forward to it, but really hoping he and I "hit it off" so he will continue to have a mentor for the remainder of the school year. I will admit, I'm a bit nervous. It's been a long time since I've had to have a conversation with a child that I've never met, and who isn't my own.
Preparing for the "busy season" at work. Everyone thinks the season starts in March, but I've seen an increase in sales in February. Either way, I'm mentally ready for it, and looking forward to it. I actually like working. Keeps me from sitting, doing nothing, and thinking too much :)
Well, that's about it for now. Take care y'all. See you again soon!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
The party's over
What a first week of 2011 this has been. Arkansas football played in the Sugar Bowl, but we lost 31-26. We looked like crap in the first half, only to beat on a depleted team in the second half. Unfortunately, we couldn't get the job done. I say "we" like I was a part of it. In fact, I didn't go to the University of Arkansas, but I do have a dream of my son going one day. Maybe two if he likes it.
Work was fairly quiet this week. And, now the party is over. My co-worker, the one who was out on maternity leave after having a beautiful baby boy, comes back to work on Monday. This means my time of covering her job is done. I said it to the ones that made it possible, and now I'll say it here. Thank you for the opportunity, allowing me to work and learn about the position. They all said I did a really good job, but I don't see it that way. There is so much I have to learn. At least now I know WHAT I need to learn, so that if/when a position opens and if/when I decide to apply, and if/when I get the job, I know what I need to know to be successful in the role. In the meantime, I have a couple of great projects for this year, which I am looking forward to. Also, there was something I was formulating in my mind which has been given to someone else to grow one of their projects, and for that I'm happy. Maybe he can find what I couldn't. A pattern.
This week I start a Watch DOG program at a local school near where I work. My student is in the 5th grade, and I get to meet with him on Thursday. I am looking forward to this, but I am also nervous. We do not yet know one another, and I am hoping that he will like and trust me enough to allow me to visit with him weekly.
While watching TV yesterday, the news broke in about a Congresswoman from Arizona, Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head point blank from about 1 foot away. The report that I heard said the bullet went through, did not lodge in her brain. An aide on her team apparently was a medic prior to working with her, as he was able to put pressure in the proper spots until the paramedics arrive. She was rushed to the hospital (air lifted), brought into surgery, and the doctors are optomistic about her recovery. They do not yet know what her mental faculties will be. My understanding is she is a wonderful caring person. I hope for her, and her family's sake, that she can make a full recovery, if not at least 80%. Caring for someone with brain damage in any form is never easy. And yes, I consider the aide that helped her, as well as the people that tackled the gunman so he could not kill or injure any more than he had (18 or 19 total), heroes!
Well, it's time to get the grocery list ready and go shopping. Supposed to snow, so I am figuring the store to be much more crowded than usual. Hopefully they were able to double stock on some items in preparation for the inclement weather figuring people were going to buy triple of everything. After all, we may get 1-4 inches. This will shut people in for weeks (please note the severe sarcasm!).
Work was fairly quiet this week. And, now the party is over. My co-worker, the one who was out on maternity leave after having a beautiful baby boy, comes back to work on Monday. This means my time of covering her job is done. I said it to the ones that made it possible, and now I'll say it here. Thank you for the opportunity, allowing me to work and learn about the position. They all said I did a really good job, but I don't see it that way. There is so much I have to learn. At least now I know WHAT I need to learn, so that if/when a position opens and if/when I decide to apply, and if/when I get the job, I know what I need to know to be successful in the role. In the meantime, I have a couple of great projects for this year, which I am looking forward to. Also, there was something I was formulating in my mind which has been given to someone else to grow one of their projects, and for that I'm happy. Maybe he can find what I couldn't. A pattern.
This week I start a Watch DOG program at a local school near where I work. My student is in the 5th grade, and I get to meet with him on Thursday. I am looking forward to this, but I am also nervous. We do not yet know one another, and I am hoping that he will like and trust me enough to allow me to visit with him weekly.
While watching TV yesterday, the news broke in about a Congresswoman from Arizona, Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head point blank from about 1 foot away. The report that I heard said the bullet went through, did not lodge in her brain. An aide on her team apparently was a medic prior to working with her, as he was able to put pressure in the proper spots until the paramedics arrive. She was rushed to the hospital (air lifted), brought into surgery, and the doctors are optomistic about her recovery. They do not yet know what her mental faculties will be. My understanding is she is a wonderful caring person. I hope for her, and her family's sake, that she can make a full recovery, if not at least 80%. Caring for someone with brain damage in any form is never easy. And yes, I consider the aide that helped her, as well as the people that tackled the gunman so he could not kill or injure any more than he had (18 or 19 total), heroes!
Well, it's time to get the grocery list ready and go shopping. Supposed to snow, so I am figuring the store to be much more crowded than usual. Hopefully they were able to double stock on some items in preparation for the inclement weather figuring people were going to buy triple of everything. After all, we may get 1-4 inches. This will shut people in for weeks (please note the severe sarcasm!).
Monday, January 3, 2011
Welcome to 2011...
I tried posting yesterday but it failed miserably. Going to try again while I have a few minutes.
The New Year celebration at my house went very well this year. We were all well awake for 12am EST (New York) and cheered for that. Staying up until 12am CST proved difficult. It was a long day for all, even though Ann only worked 4 hours.
Let's talk about that a moment. I told you in the past that the plan was to go to Downstream, this time get a room either there or a nearby hotel (which were running shuttles for NYE), and party plenty. Well, being she was scheduled to work, plans got scrapped. Too late home, rush too much, yada yada. Well, she got home at 1pm. FIGURES!!
Anyway, we made it to midnight, cheered, then went outside to blow horns (ended up in a competition with houses a couple of blocks away. I think they won!). After that, we cleaned up and went to bed. Very few drinks were had. But a great time nonetheless.
The New Year celebration at my house went very well this year. We were all well awake for 12am EST (New York) and cheered for that. Staying up until 12am CST proved difficult. It was a long day for all, even though Ann only worked 4 hours.
Let's talk about that a moment. I told you in the past that the plan was to go to Downstream, this time get a room either there or a nearby hotel (which were running shuttles for NYE), and party plenty. Well, being she was scheduled to work, plans got scrapped. Too late home, rush too much, yada yada. Well, she got home at 1pm. FIGURES!!
Anyway, we made it to midnight, cheered, then went outside to blow horns (ended up in a competition with houses a couple of blocks away. I think they won!). After that, we cleaned up and went to bed. Very few drinks were had. But a great time nonetheless.
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