Friday, January 21, 2011

Snow daze

Yes, folks! It's the south. It's winter. And it snowed here yet again. I thougth I moved away from it. It wasn't much .. only about 3 inches or so. But around here, 1 inch will shut down the entire county. Scary huh? Fortunately, the laptop provided by my employer allows me to work from home, so I can still get things done without having to drive in inclement weather. Today, I stayed home because I don't feel well. The weather the past couple of weeks has been so vast (warm, cold, hot, ice cold) that I think it's beginning to catch up with me. I am aches and pains. Too young for this crap! Then again, I don't take care of myself worth a damn either, so I'm actually surprised I'm still in as "good" a condition as I am.

Wife and I were planning to go to Cherokee Casino last night to see Tracy Lawrence in concert, but the snow and icy road conditions kept us home. All for the best I think. The concert started at 10pm, but Ann was asleep by 9:45pm.

Played poker this past Tuesday night. Did well, but I have way too many shortcomings in my game. Should have taken 2 players out, but didn't take out either. Knew I had "the nuts" (best possible hand), and decided to lowball it instead of pushing and having them call (I didn't bet enough)! Next Saturday I am playing in a charity event for the Boys & Girls club. Last year I was a dealer in the tournament. This time I am going to be a participant. I hope I play a bit better than I did the other night.

More snow being called for this Sunday night. Could mean another day working from home. At the least, schools will be closed for the 3rd straight school day.

Well, that should catch everyone up. Hopefully will not be another 8 days before my next post. TTFN!