Sunday, January 23, 2011


It wasn't a normal Saturday. Don't get me wrong, it started out that way. I did my normal "Saturday work" but made a bet with myself in my head. You see, I wanted to play poker, and there is a tournament at Cherokee at 10am. Well, it was 8:30 and I ran my Ice Cream Replenishment Report. When I pulled it up, I noticed 213 new lines on it. Well, shit! There is no way I can look up that many items in time. But I challenged myself. If I got it done by 9:10am, I would go. I was done at 9:08, so went to play. What a waste of time. A guy (claiming it was his first tournament ever) kicked 3 of our asses in less than 45 minutes. He was a calling station, and caught EVERY hand. It was awful. Anyway, I got home later (about 12:30) because I stayed to play slots awhile. Ann had gone to Blockbuster for Anthony, then went to Sam's. He went to play the game he rented, and it was bad. So about 3:00 or so, she took him back and I was playing Left 4 Dead on XBox. The game made me physically ill. I got a horrible migraine, nausea. Had to go lay down. Fell asleep about 3:30. When I woke up at 5:30pm, Ann tells me she heard on the radio that the Jason Aldean/Eric Church concert (with The JaneDear Girls) was NOT sold out. Being there were no stupid questions asked yet, I asked one. "Do you wanna go?" Quickest reply I ever received "Yes!" So, we showered, got dressed, got directions, and away we went.

The ride TO Fayetteville only took about 1/2 hour, which I figured. The problem with finding out where I had to go took 45 minutes. I don't know Fayetteville, and I do not know the U of A campus. I finally parked about 7:30. That's the time the concert was starting. So much for seeing The JaneDear Girls (which I heard were not bad). We walked about 1 1/2 miles (UP-FUCKING-HILL!), got our tickets, and went in.

The concert was FANTASTIC! These two put on a helluva show. And the females there?? Oh My Goodness! If I was younger, taller, muscular, and good looking (OK, fine, and single). The highlight though was a young blonde woman in front of me with what looked like Shirley Temple curls. She was adorable. Beautiful even. But the poor thing had absolutely NO RHYTHM whatsoever! Hilarious to watch her try to dance to the music.

After the concert, walking to the car was much easier (it was downhill) and getting back to the highway was quick. We were hungry, and I had a plan. Grab dinner at Denny's, then next door to the hotel for some quick hotel sex, then go home. At Denny's we found one of my wife's ex co-workers and her husband (we saw them at the concert) so we had dinner with them. Made it too late for hotel sex. Actually, made it too late for ANY sex. Got home, got into pajamas, and went to sleep.

I woke up this morning at 7:30 because I have my normal Sunday chores to do (shopping, laundry, sit on ass and watch football like a real man). Tonight will be an early sleepy night. Then tomorrow, it's back to a normal work schedule. Normal. Yeah right. I have 11 meetings in 3 days. When the hell am I going to get any work done? LOL!