Sunday, January 9, 2011

The party's over

What a first week of 2011 this has been. Arkansas football played in the Sugar Bowl, but we lost 31-26. We looked like crap in the first half, only to beat on a depleted team in the second half. Unfortunately, we couldn't get the job done. I say "we" like I was a part of it. In fact, I didn't go to the University of Arkansas, but I do have a dream of my son going one day. Maybe two if he likes it.

Work was fairly quiet this week. And, now the party is over. My co-worker, the one who was out on maternity leave after having a beautiful baby boy, comes back to work on Monday. This means my time of covering her job is done. I said it to the ones that made it possible, and now I'll say it here. Thank you for the opportunity, allowing me to work and learn about the position. They all said I did a really good job, but I don't see it that way. There is so much I have to learn. At least now I know WHAT I need to learn, so that if/when a position opens and if/when I decide to apply, and if/when I get the job, I know what I need to know to be successful in the role. In the meantime, I have a couple of great projects for this year, which I am looking forward to. Also, there was something I was formulating in my mind which has been given to someone else to grow one of their projects, and for that I'm happy. Maybe he can find what I couldn't. A pattern.

This week I start a Watch DOG program at a local school near where I work. My student is in the 5th grade, and I get to meet with him on Thursday. I am looking forward to this, but I am also nervous. We do not yet know one another, and I am hoping that he will like and trust me enough to allow me to visit with him weekly.

While watching TV yesterday, the news broke in about a Congresswoman from Arizona, Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head point blank from about 1 foot away. The report that I heard said the bullet went through, did not lodge in her brain. An aide on her team apparently was a medic prior to working with her, as he was able to put pressure in the proper spots until the paramedics arrive. She was rushed to the hospital (air lifted), brought into surgery, and the doctors are optomistic about her recovery. They do not yet know what her mental faculties will be. My understanding is she is a wonderful caring person. I hope for her, and her family's sake, that she can make a full recovery, if not at least 80%. Caring for someone with brain damage in any form is never easy. And yes, I consider the aide that helped her, as well as the people that tackled the gunman so he could not kill or injure any more than he had (18 or 19 total), heroes!

Well, it's time to get the grocery list ready and go shopping. Supposed to snow, so I am figuring the store to be much more crowded than usual. Hopefully they were able to double stock on some items in preparation for the inclement weather figuring people were going to buy triple of everything. After all, we may get 1-4 inches. This will shut people in for weeks (please note the severe sarcasm!).