I always look forward to this day. It is the start of the "Road to Wrestlemania" in the WWE! Tonight is the Royal Rumble. And this year, they have upped the entries to 40 instead of the 30 it has been for ... like ... EVER! I so enjoy this Pay Per View. Then, the Elimination Chamber comes next, and finally, on April 2nd, 2011, it's Wrestlemania! The annual event that started in 1985 and has been phenomenal ever since.
It's morning right now, and I just got back from the grocery store not too long ago. Soon I will start my laundry and "putt around" until the NHL All-Star Game at 2pm (I think it's at 2).
Went to the doctor Friday because my arm has been going numb (while I'm sitting doing nothing) and the occassional (sp?) chest/shoulder pain. Also, took my blood pressure at Walmart the other day and it was 146/91. Scared me. He took my pressure, and both numbers were normal. However, he is sending me for a Cardiac Stress Test and a chest x-ray to look for lung cancer. He also wants me to take my pressure 3x a week for the next 2 weeks, then report it to him on my follow up visit on the 11th. Took it at Walmart this morning, and the first number was 127. GREAT! Even lower! Second number, however, was 101, which is stated as "Stage 2 Hypertension". SHIT! Pulse rate was 99. That can't be good either, I'm sure. Will see what happens next week. Not going to say I'm a bit concerned. But, until I am told one way or the other, not going to let it affect me.
Also got a prescription for Chantix. Yes, it's time for me to quit smoking. Unfortunately, my insurance company will only cover this by mail order. So, Monday morning I will be mailing it in. Do not want to pay whatever the cost is at the pharmacy, that's for sure. The idea is to save money without making me bankrupt.
Ann is worried, I can tell. She won't say it. She never does! But, when I told her the doctor was sending me for an x-ray to check for lung cancer, I could read it in her eyes. Trying not to bring it up, but every now and then, I need to talk about it, and she has to learn to let it out and deal with it. Otherwise, it won't be any fun if I have it. Hey, I gotta laugh. Otherwise I may cry. I'm too fucking young for this shit. Not supposed to die for another 17 years. That was the agreeement I had with God when I was a teenager! He's agreed to everything else, he sure better agree to this one.
Played poker yesterday. Charity event for the Boys & Girls Club of Benton County. Didn't embarrass (sp?) myself, which was good. Finished 2nd on the Unilever team (not second out, second to LAST out). And 1st on my floor, which is all I count anyway *SMILE*. It was fun. Wish I could have done better, but sometimes when you play idiots, they win in idiot ways.
That's about it for now. Will try to get another post in before Friday. If not, will definitely post over the weekend.