Sunday, March 20, 2011

Twenty years...

Today marks 20 years that my wife, Ann, and I have been together. Amazing isn't it? Next weekend we celebrate 18 years of marriage. Wow. Who would have thought it. OK, so who had 17 years in the pool? Sorry, you lose! I have 22 years myself, so it's gonna go at least another 4 years, that's safe to say. For those of you who do not understand this joke ... well it sucks to be you right now doesn't it?

Went to Cherokee yesterday morning to play some poker, and also celebrate 28 days of smoke-briety. Must have been a good mark! I got to the casino WAY earlier than expected, signed up for the tournament (was first!) and had 20 minutes to kill. So I decided to play a penny slot machine. I put $20 in, and 15 minutes later took $100 out. SWEET! Poker tournament is paid for, and I got money for the gas home. The card game itself was SO much fun. We had a 91 year old man playing with us. You would NOT have guessed he was that old. Mid 70s tops! I wound up finishing 7th, but had a blast. Most fun at a tournament in a long time. Then decided to play the $20 profit I had. The gas tank was full. While walking towards a slot machine I know will not pay me, I saw a new set of machines and decided to try them. Started out playing 50 cents, then moved up to $1, finally deciding to play $2 per spin (that's what wins you the big money). Well, once again, put in $20 and took out $100. WHEEEEEEE!!

Hopefully this will be a good week. If it isn't, I may seriously start looking for another position at another company. Getting more and more difficult to put up with the salesman on my category. I swear he's losing his fucking mind and I'm SO tired of having to explain things seven or eight times, only for him to come back and question it 10 minutes later.

Leaving on a good thought. Sex tonight? IS an anniversary! *wink*