I have been with my current employer for 3+ years (Happy Anniversary 12 days late. haha!). Add to that 1 year as a temporary employee. I have worked on almost every facet of the customer support analyst business; every category. My favorites are the perishable foods categories. They are much more "hands on", meaning I write orders, I control the orders that come into the system. I have worked on ice cream from the start. Hell, I TOLD them I would be the CSA for ice cream. And honestly, I've enjoyed it. Until this season. All kinds of new items, a new line of product, price increases...it's crazy. Thankfully I work with a great boss who understands the perishable business (she started as a CSA herself, and worked on perishables), as well as transportation. Today she was all kinds of help for me, and for that I am truly gratified. I took her out to lunch today (she thinks it is because I don't like eating alone in a restaurant) to thank her for all of her help. That, and she is one of VERY few people in my life I call a friend.
Two more months and I get my next chest x-ray. Let's see if my breathing improves before then, or it's going to be a very interesting conversation with my doctor (and if I figure it out right, a very expensive one too). They say that because I quit smoking, my lungs are healing. Well, explain to me how I can walk a mile ... 2 miles ... and feel great. But I go back and forth to the bathroom and am out of breath from the walk. Add to that I weigh in at 153 lbs, that's probably not helping.
Found out today there is no team trip this year. Am kinda disappointed. Looked forward to the couple of nights by myself.
Going to Downstream for our wedding anniversary this year. Room is booked. Bag will be packed before going.