Sunday, March 6, 2011

Two weeks...

How in the hell did I not kill anyone, or myself? Those pills must actually work, which is amazing in itself because Vicodin sure as hell don't. Not unless I take at least 2 and with a couple of shots. But yes, it's been 2 weeks without a cigarette. I am pretty amazed at myself. I still have thoughts, still have the mild craving every now and then. At this point, I'm curious enough to have one to see if I'd even still like it. However, I am trying to get that out of my head, because if you know me then you know if I let curiousity get the best of me, I'm gonna do it. Don't wanna!

Other than that, it's a normal Sunday morning. Going to write my shopping list soon, then go to the store for the usual groceries. I already hear the voice in my head going "did you put dry dog food on the list?" Yes dear!