Thursday, February 26, 2009

What a week...

Hello my friends (OK, the ones that read this!). I am finally able to relax and not have work on my mind when I get home at night. OK, so I'm not thinking of work I should have done or what is going to have to be done tomorrow. I, however, AM thinking of work because I am going to apply for a different position within the company. It has it's good and bad points. Good being it's a new level, bad because I will be disconnected from the customer service end, which seems to be my biggest strength. It's funny. I tossed the decision around for awhile in my mind, first I was, then I wasn't, etc etc. The thing that helped me make up my mind? Well, it goes like this...

The company I work for has been around for MANY years. No, I don't know how many, I was never very good with history. Anyhoo... for years the company has survived, thrived, and succeeded. This was LONG before I was brought in as an employee. And you know what else? If I left tomorrow, the business would STILL survive, thrive and succeed. So, for me to be selfish and say I'M the one that has to do my job? Nah. But that's not the reason I decided to try...

I have a saying in my mind, and I share this with co-workers, friends, and basically anyone that will listen. "Family first!" What does this mean? In a nutshell, if you have a choice of working on something that can wait or be covered by someone else or doing something with your family that will make them happy, you choose family. As I said before, this job is a new level. This means an increase in base salary. This will help my family a great deal. But that's not the reason I decided to try...

(Crazed yet? LOL!)

Talking with my supervisor this morning, he said to me that if I applied, and if I got the job, I would not be jumping ship the next day. They have to get someone trained to do my job, and I (of course) would be the one to train this person. I would also be able to do "double duty" which means do my current job as well as start my new job, as I have to train for parts of that as well. I know I can do both. There are times at work where I have "gaps of time" between duties. I was able to put it all together. I can still be a part of my current job, leaving it (eventually) to someone that will do as well as I do right now, AND I am taking care of my family by being able to provide more income to my family so we are not worried so much about going out for dinner or a movie once in awhile. THAT'S why I'm applying. No guarantee I'll even get the job, but I am fortunate enough to have the support of some co-workers and my supervisor and manager. Here goes nothin'...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hooked, filleted and fried...

For the first time in a LONG time, I got to play poker and actually enjoy myself. We had so many laughs. I played with a great bunch of guys, some I knew, some I didn't. Unfortunately, as good of a time as I had at the game, I didn't do so well PLAYING the game. Most of the night I was "card dead" meaning I wasn't getting many good hands worth playing, and when I DID get a hand, all but one was beat either pre-flop or on the flop. While I love playing, it's going to be a long time before I play again. Can't afford many nights like these.

Ann is still working at the local grocery store. She is really hoping to get the job at a daycare she interviewed at over a week ago, but has not heard anything and basically given up hope that she is getting one of the two jobs they had open. One of the positions was part-time, but she would have enjoyed doing that even part-time rather than what she is doing now. I try to look at the positive side and remind her in this current economy she should be glad to have a job. She does look at it that way, but sometimes it's hard to think that way AND be happy, you know?

Someone at my company is leaving next week, and his position will be opening for interviews in the near future. At least, that's the rumor. It's possible the job will be filled from another location, which means I won't have a chance to apply. I am not really sure I want to apply though. I am fine where I am, we have much new business in one of the divisions I work for, and I am enjoying learning the business. But the other position would mean more money. That would be great for my family. I guess I am at a crossroads in my mind. I will discuss it with my boss, he will probably tell me what is already in my mind .. to look at both sides, weigh all of the options, and decide what would be best for me. This position has been open once before, and a few people in the company really wanted me to apply, but I knew that I wasn't ready. Now I am just not sure if I'd be happy doing it rather than what I'm doing. I come up with excuses like "nobody in the office would be able to catch on that quick to what I do now, and the business could falter" which I know is BS. The company had been doing quite well before I was hired, and they will continue to thrive even after I'm gone. I guess I'm just looking for reasons to say no. Could this mean I shouldn't apply? Or does it mean I'm just afraid of change? Eventually, the answers will come.

I just realized it's 1am, and I am watching ESPN. The NY Islanders traded 2 players to Ottawa for 1 + a draft pick. Will read up on it tomorrow and decide then how much I don't like the move they made. In the meantime, I'm going to get some sleep.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just because...

Yo! Miss me much? Oh you lie!! LOL! It's been a few days, didn't want the loyal and royal wondering if everything was going OK. No worries, it is. Been crazy at work, which is good, because I'd rather be busy than bored. But something happened today...I think I scared whichever co-workers were IN the office. I got a call on my OFFICE phone asking for me or my wife. Immediately I know it's a solicitor. How in the hell did they get my work number? I don't give it to anyone outside of those that need to contact me for business. Well, I asked the guy how he got my number. He told me he sold me magazines before. I told him he was calling my WORK number, and to take me off the f***ing list. Actually, I YELLED it into the phone. The reason? It wasn't the first time they called, and not the first time to take my office number off the list.

As I said, work has been busy. I processed orders for an Ice Cream promotion, of course it wasn't written the way we'd hoped. Then had to fix the errors on the orders (yes, a couple of them were mine, missed taking off an item). Then had to adjust the overweight orders (who knew ice cream was so heavy LOL!). Now that I finally have that (almost!) taken care of, tomorrow is a Chilled promotion to process, then Monday is a Frozen promotion to process. Fun times! It works well because I'm getting to learn the various products, how well they sell, things like that.

Friday night, I get to play poker with the guys. It's been awhile since I've done that. Yes, I played briefly at the casino last week, but that table was a joke.

Well, that should catch you up!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday the 13th...

Oh yes, one of my favorite days of the year. And we get it THREE times this year. I actually sat and figured that out. And it's definitely a strange day. I don't remember if I posted this before (and am too lazy to look), but my wife got a job at the local grocery store here in town. She started on Tuesday. It's "ok" but in this economy, I told her "a job is a job, take what they give you" so she did. Today, she got a call for an interview at a day care. She interviewed and will see what happens next week.

Anthony had a "hush day" at school. In a nutshell, the boys had to pin a heart on their shirts at the start of the day, and if they communicated in ANY form with a girl, they had to give the girl their heart. Well, my bet was Anthony was going to lose it inside the first 5 minutes. In my head it went something like this:

GIRL: "HI Anthony!!"
Anthony: "Hi!" "'s the heart"

Well, he got to keep it all day. I'm hoping this is the only bet I lose today.

Tonight, Ann and I are going out for Valentine's Day. That's the "excuse" anyway. I'm married almost 16 years to this woman. I don't need someone telling me what day to buy my wife flowers, candy, or whatever. I buy her flowers when I want to, they make her happy. I buy candy for ME! Every now and then I need chocolate :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hump Day...

It's Wednesday evening. I'm sitting watching the news, and they are talking about back pain. "If you have back pain, you're not alone." No shit?? I've had back trouble for 18 years (thanks Mom!). Stupid story, you'll love it. Know how I put my back out? Helping my mother (who had a bad back) put her sock on. Picture this ... 2 steps, I'm at the top step, Mom at the bottom. She lifts her foot to the first step, I bend down a step to put her sock on her foot. Well I get it over her toes, around her heel, and lift the sock over her ankle. Easy right? Nope. I lifted, and my back reacted as if I lifted a semi. Locked dead up on me. I couldn't straighten out, couldn't unbend my legs ... I was in a permanent crouch position. The saving grace to this is that my stepfather was 6'4", and I was 5'3" (still 5'3) and weighed about 112 lbs = easy to lift. He put me on the couch, and about 1/2 hour later, I was somewhat horizontal without any part of me vertical. Bad back ever since.

On another note, I looooooooooove TurboTax. I filed my taxes January 31st and have BOTH of my refunds already.

On a side note, a few months ago I needed a water heater. So I went to Lowes, got approved for a credit card, even with my bad credit, and bought the water heater. Have paid over 300% more than the requested minimum payment EVERY month, and have paid the bill 2 weeks early EVERY month. Today, GE Bank, the creditor that handles Lowes credit cards, cancelled my account! Reason: overall bad credit. No argument there, my credit sucks. But they were getting paid. And my current balance? $125. I called the bank on this and told them I respect their decision, and that Home Depot will now be getting all of my home improvement business. I also wrote a letter to Lowes to advise them of the same. I know I won't hear from them, I don't spend enough, I'm not a contractor, so what do they care? Well, they WILL care when it's on various local news stations what this bank did, in the midst of a recession and the President of the United States is telling banks to ease up on credit to help stimulate the economy.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sweet thought...

As you may or may not know, I am a member of the Facebook community. Well, I have many in-laws on my friends list (not all of them, thank goodness) and each of them have their own lives. They are mothers and fathers, grandparents, and young adults. Well, one of my nieces has a daughter, cute as a button. Recently this little one lost her first tooth, and got money from the tooth fairy. Today, my niece took her to the bank to make a deposit. While at the teller window, my niece matched the $1 so she could make a $2 deposit. See above where I said how cute this little girl is? Well, the woman at the next window at the bank decided to match the $2, letting this little girl make a $4 deposit.

As I sit here watching President Obama on TV at his first Presidential News Conference, talking about the economy (or lack thereof), how so many have lost jobs, homes, etc., hearing a small story like this gives me hope that recovery, as well as much goodness in people, is possible and still there.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Screwy Saturday

Don't you love some of the titles of my posts? Well this one kinda fits. It's not the day I had planned, that's for sure. Originally, because I paid my car loan yesterday, I figured I would go out early and do the grocery shopping. Usually go about 9:30am, there are not too many people in the store yet. I get done in about 20 minutes or so. Lucky enough to know where everything is, for the most part, and I don't fool around. Well, that plan went out the window when I saw how cloudy out it is, and decided instead to go into my backyard and try to clean up some of the branches that fell from last week's ice storm. So, around 10 or so, I put on my boots, got my saw, and went out. Anthony was out there with me, but I didn't want him that close, because the saw is SUPER SHARP and I didn't want to slip and get him. So he was helping his mom with other stuff out there. Of course, I should have not been that close to the saw. Took a slice on my left thumb. Ran in the house, washed out the wound with water, put a paper towel around it, put intense pressure on the wound, hoping it would stop the bleeding. Well, 10 minutes later, it didn't stop. OK, hospital time. This is going to need stitches. So, we jump in the car and off to the ER we go. Get in, have them take a look, and the triage nurse tells the other nurse "just needs a bandage." Well hell, I could have done that at home and saved $100 LOL! Actually I couldn't. Long story short, one tetanus shot, one cleaned out wound, and a bandage that makes me look like they sewed my thumb back on! Needless to say, I'm done in the backyard for a day or two.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Better Day...

I made it through Thursday at work! Woohoo! One more week until I get paid, and I actually get to see some of it this time as the bills are not as high as other times. Can't do a helluva lot, but hey, lunch once in awhile is nice. I haven't had Quiznos in awhile, and I seriously believe I'm going through withdrawl (sp?)

Well, this past Saturday, I finally got my W-2 from work, and TurboTax at the ready. I did my taxes and e-filed. It was great. Federal was free, state was $35. Much better than over $200 to use a "professional" that charge way too much for one sheet of paper. And if you need an extra sheet, that's another $30. Thank you...NO! I'm easy (take that for what it's worth) and my taxes are straight forward. So I did it myself. On Monday, I had 2 emails that said the federal and state taxes were accepted, and all I had to do was mail in the signed form and a couple of forms to the state. Those went out Tuesday morning.

Today, as I do most days, I checked my bank account online. I do not like surprises, and there were a couple last month. So, I log on, look at my balance, and it's HIGH! The first thought that ran through my mind was "Oh crap, what bill kicked back and not taken out like it should have?", then I clicked on the link to see the activity. What do my eyes see? AR STATE REFUND and a deposit (yeah, like I'm gonna say how much!). WOOHOO! Lunch! Maybe twice!!

This afternoon, I had a couple of meetings, and told my wife I would be unavailable from 1:30 to 3:30pm. Well, at 2:45 she called me, and I knew it was important, otherwise she would have waited. I also knew what she was calling about. Of course, I was right. She got a call from Harp's, a local grocery store, and offered a job! It's 3 days per week in the deli department.

Ann just finished saying, good things come in 3s. I say an ounce of pleasure to a pound of pain. Let's hope this time she's right.