Hello my friends (OK, the ones that read this!). I am finally able to relax and not have work on my mind when I get home at night. OK, so I'm not thinking of work I should have done or what is going to have to be done tomorrow. I, however, AM thinking of work because I am going to apply for a different position within the company. It has it's good and bad points. Good being it's a new level, bad because I will be disconnected from the customer service end, which seems to be my biggest strength. It's funny. I tossed the decision around for awhile in my mind, first I was, then I wasn't, etc etc. The thing that helped me make up my mind? Well, it goes like this...
The company I work for has been around for MANY years. No, I don't know how many, I was never very good with history. Anyhoo... for years the company has survived, thrived, and succeeded. This was LONG before I was brought in as an employee. And you know what else? If I left tomorrow, the business would STILL survive, thrive and succeed. So, for me to be selfish and say I'M the one that has to do my job? Nah. But that's not the reason I decided to try...
I have a saying in my mind, and I share this with co-workers, friends, and basically anyone that will listen. "Family first!" What does this mean? In a nutshell, if you have a choice of working on something that can wait or be covered by someone else or doing something with your family that will make them happy, you choose family. As I said before, this job is a new level. This means an increase in base salary. This will help my family a great deal. But that's not the reason I decided to try...
(Crazed yet? LOL!)
Talking with my supervisor this morning, he said to me that if I applied, and if I got the job, I would not be jumping ship the next day. They have to get someone trained to do my job, and I (of course) would be the one to train this person. I would also be able to do "double duty" which means do my current job as well as start my new job, as I have to train for parts of that as well. I know I can do both. There are times at work where I have "gaps of time" between duties. I was able to put it all together. I can still be a part of my current job, leaving it (eventually) to someone that will do as well as I do right now, AND I am taking care of my family by being able to provide more income to my family so we are not worried so much about going out for dinner or a movie once in awhile. THAT'S why I'm applying. No guarantee I'll even get the job, but I am fortunate enough to have the support of some co-workers and my supervisor and manager. Here goes nothin'...