Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Better Day...

I made it through Thursday at work! Woohoo! One more week until I get paid, and I actually get to see some of it this time as the bills are not as high as other times. Can't do a helluva lot, but hey, lunch once in awhile is nice. I haven't had Quiznos in awhile, and I seriously believe I'm going through withdrawl (sp?)

Well, this past Saturday, I finally got my W-2 from work, and TurboTax at the ready. I did my taxes and e-filed. It was great. Federal was free, state was $35. Much better than over $200 to use a "professional" that charge way too much for one sheet of paper. And if you need an extra sheet, that's another $30. Thank you...NO! I'm easy (take that for what it's worth) and my taxes are straight forward. So I did it myself. On Monday, I had 2 emails that said the federal and state taxes were accepted, and all I had to do was mail in the signed form and a couple of forms to the state. Those went out Tuesday morning.

Today, as I do most days, I checked my bank account online. I do not like surprises, and there were a couple last month. So, I log on, look at my balance, and it's HIGH! The first thought that ran through my mind was "Oh crap, what bill kicked back and not taken out like it should have?", then I clicked on the link to see the activity. What do my eyes see? AR STATE REFUND and a deposit (yeah, like I'm gonna say how much!). WOOHOO! Lunch! Maybe twice!!

This afternoon, I had a couple of meetings, and told my wife I would be unavailable from 1:30 to 3:30pm. Well, at 2:45 she called me, and I knew it was important, otherwise she would have waited. I also knew what she was calling about. Of course, I was right. She got a call from Harp's, a local grocery store, and offered a job! It's 3 days per week in the deli department.

Ann just finished saying, good things come in 3s. I say an ounce of pleasure to a pound of pain. Let's hope this time she's right.