For the first time in a LONG time, I got to play poker and actually enjoy myself. We had so many laughs. I played with a great bunch of guys, some I knew, some I didn't. Unfortunately, as good of a time as I had at the game, I didn't do so well PLAYING the game. Most of the night I was "card dead" meaning I wasn't getting many good hands worth playing, and when I DID get a hand, all but one was beat either pre-flop or on the flop. While I love playing, it's going to be a long time before I play again. Can't afford many nights like these.
Ann is still working at the local grocery store. She is really hoping to get the job at a daycare she interviewed at over a week ago, but has not heard anything and basically given up hope that she is getting one of the two jobs they had open. One of the positions was part-time, but she would have enjoyed doing that even part-time rather than what she is doing now. I try to look at the positive side and remind her in this current economy she should be glad to have a job. She does look at it that way, but sometimes it's hard to think that way AND be happy, you know?
Someone at my company is leaving next week, and his position will be opening for interviews in the near future. At least, that's the rumor. It's possible the job will be filled from another location, which means I won't have a chance to apply. I am not really sure I want to apply though. I am fine where I am, we have much new business in one of the divisions I work for, and I am enjoying learning the business. But the other position would mean more money. That would be great for my family. I guess I am at a crossroads in my mind. I will discuss it with my boss, he will probably tell me what is already in my mind .. to look at both sides, weigh all of the options, and decide what would be best for me. This position has been open once before, and a few people in the company really wanted me to apply, but I knew that I wasn't ready. Now I am just not sure if I'd be happy doing it rather than what I'm doing. I come up with excuses like "nobody in the office would be able to catch on that quick to what I do now, and the business could falter" which I know is BS. The company had been doing quite well before I was hired, and they will continue to thrive even after I'm gone. I guess I'm just looking for reasons to say no. Could this mean I shouldn't apply? Or does it mean I'm just afraid of change? Eventually, the answers will come.
I just realized it's 1am, and I am watching ESPN. The NY Islanders traded 2 players to Ottawa for 1 + a draft pick. Will read up on it tomorrow and decide then how much I don't like the move they made. In the meantime, I'm going to get some sleep.