Oh yes, one of my favorite days of the year. And we get it THREE times this year. I actually sat and figured that out. And it's definitely a strange day. I don't remember if I posted this before (and am too lazy to look), but my wife got a job at the local grocery store here in town. She started on Tuesday. It's "ok" but in this economy, I told her "a job is a job, take what they give you" so she did. Today, she got a call for an interview at a day care. She interviewed and will see what happens next week.
Anthony had a "hush day" at school. In a nutshell, the boys had to pin a heart on their shirts at the start of the day, and if they communicated in ANY form with a girl, they had to give the girl their heart. Well, my bet was Anthony was going to lose it inside the first 5 minutes. In my head it went something like this:
GIRL: "HI Anthony!!"
Anthony: "Hi!" "Crap...here's the heart"
Well, he got to keep it all day. I'm hoping this is the only bet I lose today.
Tonight, Ann and I are going out for Valentine's Day. That's the "excuse" anyway. I'm married almost 16 years to this woman. I don't need someone telling me what day to buy my wife flowers, candy, or whatever. I buy her flowers when I want to, they make her happy. I buy candy for ME! Every now and then I need chocolate :)