Saturday, February 7, 2009
Screwy Saturday
Don't you love some of the titles of my posts? Well this one kinda fits. It's not the day I had planned, that's for sure. Originally, because I paid my car loan yesterday, I figured I would go out early and do the grocery shopping. Usually go about 9:30am, there are not too many people in the store yet. I get done in about 20 minutes or so. Lucky enough to know where everything is, for the most part, and I don't fool around. Well, that plan went out the window when I saw how cloudy out it is, and decided instead to go into my backyard and try to clean up some of the branches that fell from last week's ice storm. So, around 10 or so, I put on my boots, got my saw, and went out. Anthony was out there with me, but I didn't want him that close, because the saw is SUPER SHARP and I didn't want to slip and get him. So he was helping his mom with other stuff out there. Of course, I should have not been that close to the saw. Took a slice on my left thumb. Ran in the house, washed out the wound with water, put a paper towel around it, put intense pressure on the wound, hoping it would stop the bleeding. Well, 10 minutes later, it didn't stop. OK, hospital time. This is going to need stitches. So, we jump in the car and off to the ER we go. Get in, have them take a look, and the triage nurse tells the other nurse "just needs a bandage." Well hell, I could have done that at home and saved $100 LOL! Actually I couldn't. Long story short, one tetanus shot, one cleaned out wound, and a bandage that makes me look like they sewed my thumb back on! Needless to say, I'm done in the backyard for a day or two.