Friday, December 31, 2010

End of 2010...

Happy New Years Eve! Well, maybe not for all. Tornadoes (more than 1? Don't know) went through the area this morning. The airport is temporarily closed so they can clear the runway of debris. Also, there are reports of 3 fatalities in a small town a couple of counties away. Very sad. Who in the hell ever figured a tornado in December. Crazy weather patterns lately. Today the temperature starts out at 66, and by midnight, will be 31 degrees. Then back into the 50's by the middle of next week.

Ann is working this morning, but not sure how long she will be there. There are very few kids at the daycare, so not everyone is needed. Figures that we have NO plans for this New Years, figuring she was working all day! Shit!

Last payday of the year for me today. Also found a nice little surprise. Very grateful for it. I am honored, but not necessarily humbled *wink*

Here's hoping 2011 brings you everything you wanted. May all of your dreams and wishes come true!

Happy New Year!