And I'm still doing this? What am I, nuts?!? Well, yeah, OK I am. Someone asked me earlier if I was sick. I told them "not physically" no. Mentally? Whole other story.
Looking back, and it's been over 2 years since I started this blogging thing. It works for me. I don't care who reads, who doesn't. I look back and smile, laugh, cry, wonder what the fuck I was thinking, etc. I follow other bloggers, and they seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. Sucks to be them. I follow them because some of the stuff they type makes me look and feel sane. Some people are WAY too stupid. Makes me laugh. Now, I know I'm not the smartest knife in the drawer, not the sharpest tack, whatever! But DAMN people! Stop making your life sound like it's a fucking bowl of cherries. Because, you see, I have the ability to read between the lines, and "feel" what you are saying, and trust me, your life is the fucking pits! LMAO! Thank you for making me laugh.