I am fortunate enough to be able to listen to Pandora while at work. I keep my earplugs in so I don't put the music loud with speakers in to disturb anyone. Every now and then, a song comes on that makes me nostalgic. This is one of those times. I will not mention the song for fear I will have to pay a copyright fee. But it gets me thinking about family. Mine in particular. I remember when my parents divorced. My dad was a sonofabitch. He cheated multiple times on my mom, even hit on her friends more than once. When my mom finally had enough and asked for a divorce ... well that was just blasphemy. You don't do that! No matter what, you stay by his side. Bullshit! Even I could see they needed to split. Well, of course, to my mom's side of the family my father was the biggest sack of shit they ever heard of. And on my dad's side, well they had to stick with tradition and think that way about my mom.
Fast forward a few years. We discover one of my mom's (and uncle's) cousins is a pedophile. He caused a great friend of mine and her family to move out of the state rather than press charges against him. He went after his own nieces AND nephews! All THEY did was move out of the basement apartment they rented from him. NOBODY would press charges. Why? Because he was a vietnam war veteran who lost his leg for his country. Of course, there were some that distanced themselves, my mom and uncles being three of them. Took us kids out of the picture. TO AN EXTENT! See, this man was married, and him and his wife never had kids of their own. Big shock huh? Well, turns out the WIFE of this bastard was fucking one of my uncles! Yes, my uncle was fucking his cousin's wife. This uncle is ALSO married!
What the laugh about all of this is...
The uncle who cheated with his cousin's wife was forgiven by his wife AND his children! So (to an extent) was the cousin's wife, who he was cheating with. BOTH of my uncles snorted cocaine. Maybe they still do, who the fuck knows! The families KNOW! Hell, some of their kids (and one of the wives) have joined them in it more than once, as well as used that knowledge as blackmail against him.
One of my cousin's worked at a gas station when he was about 18 or so and a friend of his came by one night to hang out. Well, 2 guys came in with guns trying to rob the place. One of them put the gun into my cousin's gut. He smacked it away, the gun fell and went off. The other robber thought shots were being fired AT someone, so he shot my cousin's friend in the head, killing him. My cousin was told it wasn't his fault. BULLSHIT! He should have let these guys have the fucking money and nobody would have gotten hurt. He didn't have to be the hero, because heroes do not get innocent people killed!
Yet, the family overlooked ALL of this bullshit, but could not overlook a woman who divorced her husband because he was a piece of shit.
This kinda explains why I keep NOBODY close to me. There is a motto I heard a long time ago. DTA! Don't Trust Anyone! I still live by it to this day. Family SUCKS! Friends are NON-EXISTENT!
OK I feel better now. Thanks to myself for listening!