Thursday, December 2, 2010

New Day...

Not much going on right now. Work, thankfully, is fairly quiet. Tonight is our company Christmas Party. I will not be attending, as Ann has a class to attend and would not be able to go with me. I prefer not to go alone, as I hate standing there by myself with nobody to talk to all night. Next week is the Christmas Party at her job. Hopefully it's better than the one they had where she worked last year. It was awful! This year .. new job, new group of people to try to get to know. Lucky me. We are also have a CS only Christmas Party in a couple of weeks at someone's house. I said I would attend, but my mindset is changing quickly. I know for a fact I will not feel comfortable there, so I'm going to back out. Now I have to tell the boss. He will be disappointed, I'm sure. Frankly, so am I. But it's something I would prefer not to attend.