Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fire Drill...

Yes, lady and gentle sir who read this post, you read that title right. We had a fire drill in the office this morning. But not just ANY fire drill, mind you. It was a FIRE (I think). The alarm has gone off before, and usually goes off after about 45 seconds. Sometimes it's a test (we hear about those), other times it just gets bored and decides to throw a small tantrum. Well, this morning it went off. Myself, like most of my coworkers, stayed at their desks and waited for it to shut off. After about 90 seconds, people decided to treat it like a real drill and leave. So I followed. Turns out it was a good thing. We stood outside for 10-15 minutes, watched 2 fire trucks pull up to do whatever they do, then were allowed back in. When we went back in, we could tell SOMETHING was burning. Apparently it was something in the electrical system having to do with the elevators. If there could be anything good to look at for all of this, better today than yesterday. At least today the temperature was above freezing. Yesterday would have not been good. Would rather have stayed in the building and burned. I like the heat better than the cold.

Don't know if I've mentioned this, but congratulations to the Bentonville Tigers football team on an undefeated season thus far. They are heading to Little Rock to play in the state finals this Friday night. The school district will be closing by 12:30 so students and teachers can go to the game (and because they know nobody will want to learn knowing their team is in the state finals!). My son will be going to the game. He heard it will be $12 for the ticket AND the "spirit bus" that will be transporting students to and from the game. I thought about going, but I would have to drive myself, and it's 3 hours each way. Plus, the thought of having to drive all that way from 10 or 11pm until 1 or 2 am is NOT fun. I will still have to pick Anthony up at the school when they get home, but 8 miles much better than the former.