Welcome to my world. The sun is shining, and you can see for miles. This is a helluva difference from yesterday, when you couldn't see more than 1/4 mile for most of the day. Yes, I said MOST of the day. Why, you ask? It was SNOWING!! At the end of March, and it was friggin' SNOWING!! Ann had to work, so I drove her in and picked her up. She works close to home, but I was out earlier in it, and the roads were not the best. And, because of the snow, my weekend plan of working in the backyard was shot to hell. I couldn't clean up any of the branches (and I'm almost done too!), so I did the laundry. Now that we have a new washer/dryer, it's wonderful! White clothes came out WHITE! Not off white, tan, brown...like they had with the old machine. There was no excess water in the machine, keeping the clothes soaked, like with the old machine. I only had to run the dryer once for a load, not like the old dryer that you had to run 2 or 3 times. Sounds disguisting right? Well it was. And I absolutely hated it. One of the worst feelings in the world is knowing that you are not as clean as you know you should be, whether it's on your body or on your clothing. But, with the help of some very hard work, some sacrifices that had to be made all the way around, we got new. Got a great deal at Home Depot, and I even think the dryer is bigger than what we bought. I can't swear to it though. My memory is swiss cheese, short term worse than long term at times.
Today the sun is shining. Being the inside work is (somewhat) done, I am hoping it will dry out quick enough outside to cut up some branches. If not, being Ann is working today, Anthony and I will watch a movie or play a board game and have some fun.
PS: Wrestlemania 25 in 7 days! Place your order now, don't miss the extravaganza of the year!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Another post...
I am SO hoping everyone enjoys ice cream, because as a customer support analyst (yes, I'm actually an analyst, not an associate), I did not realize how much work goes in to supplying retail stores with products. Ice cream, as you probably know, is a seasonal business for some. People can eat it in the spring/summer, but not so much in the fall and less in the winter. And, as I've heard before, T'is the season. We are introducing new items to Wal-Mart which are shipping this week, we have a large promotion going in over the next couple of weeks, and we have to make sure all of these orders are proper, completely shipped, and work with 8 warehouses to make sure all 43 DCs are stocked to supply over 3,600 Wal-Mart stores. It's friggin' NUTS! But I'm learning alot, and there is still alot more to learn.
Tonight on FB, I posted my list of "5 most hated sports teams". Being from NY, you would think these teams would play their home games outside of the Empire State. Not on my list. The only 2 New York teams I root for are the NY Islanders (NHL) and the Buffalo Bills (NFL - and the only TRUE New York team). Well, this list (so far) is not sitting well with my cousin and an old friend who I have enjoyed reconnecting with the past few weeks. I can't help who I like and dislike in the world of sporting events. But, they appear to hate ME now.
I've posted in the past that I do not care what people think of me. Love me for who I am or don't. It doesn't really matter to me. Until tonight. Their comments got to me. Damned if I know why. Oh well, like a kidney stone, this too shall pass. I just don't know how long it will take.
Tonight on FB, I posted my list of "5 most hated sports teams". Being from NY, you would think these teams would play their home games outside of the Empire State. Not on my list. The only 2 New York teams I root for are the NY Islanders (NHL) and the Buffalo Bills (NFL - and the only TRUE New York team). Well, this list (so far) is not sitting well with my cousin and an old friend who I have enjoyed reconnecting with the past few weeks. I can't help who I like and dislike in the world of sporting events. But, they appear to hate ME now.
I've posted in the past that I do not care what people think of me. Love me for who I am or don't. It doesn't really matter to me. Until tonight. Their comments got to me. Damned if I know why. Oh well, like a kidney stone, this too shall pass. I just don't know how long it will take.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Monday, Monday...
Was there a song with that in it? Hell, I'm old but not THAT old! Although the way I feel today, I FEEL that old. Worked in the yard yesterday, getting rid of more tree limbs that fell from the ice storm back at the start of February. Yes, I'm slow, but who cares. Nobody but the dog uses the backyard anyway. And she finds plenty of places to shit. I know this because I spent 1/2 hour yesterday finding all the landmines she left. I will bet my left nut I didn't find them all, either. After that was done, Anthony and I were cutting branches, bagging and tagging them. Today, the weather is shitty so I am feeling it. Sore all over. Told Ann if she wants it tonight, she's gonna do all the work, cuz damn I'm hurting. LOL!
Work is busy as hell, but I like it. Two days last week I was there late. Even on a Friday, I was there until 5:45pm. Feels good though, because I am learning alot. Ann was off work at 5, so I wasn't worried about Anthony not having dinner. Plus, I was watching basketball on the computer and the office was empty, so I was able to yell a bunch of shit at the players and not offending anyone in the office. ROFL!
Friday, Ann and I will be celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary. I don't know how she put up with me for so long. Epsecially when I remind her if I killed her rather than married her, at least I'd be out on parole by now. I'm hoping to surprise her with something, but haven't decided what just yet. Yeah, like I'm gonna tell you what I'm going to surprise her with. If you are reading this, you probably know her, or know how to get in touch with her, and will spoil it. Well, tough shit on you, cuz I'm not telling, so you can't spoil it. Neener neener neener!!
Next week I am going to the doctor. I have to..I made a promise! Yes, I'm going to get screened for cancer. I'm almost 40, it runs through my father's side of the family, and I have been smoking for over 25 years. NO, I am NOT getting my prostate checked, thank you. Sticking me with a needle in the arm is enough, sticking me with a finger in the ... well, NO! Someone said it's worse if I actually have it. I told them if they have to go in for it, at least I'll be ASLEEP! Thank you, enough said.
Oh, I'm sorry. Did that offend anyone? Too fucking bad to you. I've had a prostate exam before, thank you. And I've had more people I know DIE from cancer than you've ever met, so don't even go there. Would you like a list? How about multiple aunts and uncles, and one 8-year old boy who did not deserve to die! He was EIGHT fucking years old!! And you think I'M pissed about it? Talk to his mom, dad and sister! How do you think THEY feel? So please, allow me my peace. This is MY blog. Don't like it? Don't care. Close your fucking browser window and leave your pissass thoughts to yourself.
Work is busy as hell, but I like it. Two days last week I was there late. Even on a Friday, I was there until 5:45pm. Feels good though, because I am learning alot. Ann was off work at 5, so I wasn't worried about Anthony not having dinner. Plus, I was watching basketball on the computer and the office was empty, so I was able to yell a bunch of shit at the players and not offending anyone in the office. ROFL!
Friday, Ann and I will be celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary. I don't know how she put up with me for so long. Epsecially when I remind her if I killed her rather than married her, at least I'd be out on parole by now. I'm hoping to surprise her with something, but haven't decided what just yet. Yeah, like I'm gonna tell you what I'm going to surprise her with. If you are reading this, you probably know her, or know how to get in touch with her, and will spoil it. Well, tough shit on you, cuz I'm not telling, so you can't spoil it. Neener neener neener!!
Next week I am going to the doctor. I have to..I made a promise! Yes, I'm going to get screened for cancer. I'm almost 40, it runs through my father's side of the family, and I have been smoking for over 25 years. NO, I am NOT getting my prostate checked, thank you. Sticking me with a needle in the arm is enough, sticking me with a finger in the ... well, NO! Someone said it's worse if I actually have it. I told them if they have to go in for it, at least I'll be ASLEEP! Thank you, enough said.
Oh, I'm sorry. Did that offend anyone? Too fucking bad to you. I've had a prostate exam before, thank you. And I've had more people I know DIE from cancer than you've ever met, so don't even go there. Would you like a list? How about multiple aunts and uncles, and one 8-year old boy who did not deserve to die! He was EIGHT fucking years old!! And you think I'M pissed about it? Talk to his mom, dad and sister! How do you think THEY feel? So please, allow me my peace. This is MY blog. Don't like it? Don't care. Close your fucking browser window and leave your pissass thoughts to yourself.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Bracket busting and other random stuff...
Happy Saturday all. It's kinda dreary out right now, been raining. Not hard or bad, but enough to make it "ick". Ann is working today. Anthony and I are flipping channels between A&E and NCAA Basketball. I am in a bracket at work, not doing great, but still have some chances. Finished 3d last year, so I still hope. Plus it makes the games interesting. Otherwise, I have no interest in basketball. Never have been really.
As you may or may not know, I am addicted to Facebook. They recently changed their layout, and personally I think it sucks. But it's a great way to keep up with people I have not spoken to in forever. However ... I have found that some of my "old friends" are not really those I would prefer to hang with as "new friends" at this point. I have different beliefs, different feelings, different ideas than they do. And that's fine. I've said it before ... everyone has an opinion and that doesn't make anyone wrong, just different. So, those that I once knew are back where they belong ... in the past.
Does this make me a bad person? I don't believe so. I didn't make any promises to any of these people that said I would be there forever. They didn't make any promises to me that they would be there for me forever. Let's put it this way. Were ANY of them there when my wife and I lost our 2 children at birth? Did any of them come over, or call, to cry with my wife and myself trying to get us through a very trying time? There is ONE friend on my Facebook friends list who was, and SHE will be my friend forever, no matter what. Yeah, you will say "well I wasn't there. We weren't friends then and I had no idea." Oh well. None of the "friends" I had ever picked up a phone after a couple of years to call my old number and ask my mom "Hey, it's so and so, can you have Nick give me a call". Everyone still remembers the butt ugly green house I lived in, knows exactly where it is, but didn't quite remember the phone number to call or the address to send a note. Nope, they up and left to live their lives and the hell with the short ugly guy that lived on that street nearby.
I have actually heard "friends" say "Oh, I haven't spoken to so and so in years, and I'm SO NERVOUS about calling them". Did any of you mother fuckers ever pick up a phone to call me? My fucking phone number is listed on my Facebook page. So you know what? I'll play the Facebook game. I will be fun, interesting, chat through postings when the mood strikes, but to say we are great friends again? Hell no. I know who the true friends on my list are, and more importantly THEY know who they are, because I indirectly let them know, and they let me know that they feel similar about me. If you don't feel it? Guess where the fuck that leaves you??
As you may or may not know, I am addicted to Facebook. They recently changed their layout, and personally I think it sucks. But it's a great way to keep up with people I have not spoken to in forever. However ... I have found that some of my "old friends" are not really those I would prefer to hang with as "new friends" at this point. I have different beliefs, different feelings, different ideas than they do. And that's fine. I've said it before ... everyone has an opinion and that doesn't make anyone wrong, just different. So, those that I once knew are back where they belong ... in the past.
Does this make me a bad person? I don't believe so. I didn't make any promises to any of these people that said I would be there forever. They didn't make any promises to me that they would be there for me forever. Let's put it this way. Were ANY of them there when my wife and I lost our 2 children at birth? Did any of them come over, or call, to cry with my wife and myself trying to get us through a very trying time? There is ONE friend on my Facebook friends list who was, and SHE will be my friend forever, no matter what. Yeah, you will say "well I wasn't there. We weren't friends then and I had no idea." Oh well. None of the "friends" I had ever picked up a phone after a couple of years to call my old number and ask my mom "Hey, it's so and so, can you have Nick give me a call". Everyone still remembers the butt ugly green house I lived in, knows exactly where it is, but didn't quite remember the phone number to call or the address to send a note. Nope, they up and left to live their lives and the hell with the short ugly guy that lived on that street nearby.
I have actually heard "friends" say "Oh, I haven't spoken to so and so in years, and I'm SO NERVOUS about calling them". Did any of you mother fuckers ever pick up a phone to call me? My fucking phone number is listed on my Facebook page. So you know what? I'll play the Facebook game. I will be fun, interesting, chat through postings when the mood strikes, but to say we are great friends again? Hell no. I know who the true friends on my list are, and more importantly THEY know who they are, because I indirectly let them know, and they let me know that they feel similar about me. If you don't feel it? Guess where the fuck that leaves you??
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Happy Hump Day...
Welcome to Wednesday evening. I don't have much time, as I have to start dinner. Ann is stuck at work so will be a little late, that's why I have the time. Work has been crazy, but good. I enjoy being busy, much better than being bored, right? There are new flavors of B&J, Breyers, and even some Starbucks coming your way soon. Be on the lookout for the bestest ice cream flavors at your local Wal-Mart!
Anthony had his first track meet on Monday. We waited 2 1/2 hours for his run, which lasted less than 3 minutes. So much different than cross country. In X-Ctry, ALL the boys run at the same time. In T&F, there are a multitude of events, so you sit and wait for your child to run, you watch, you cheer, he gets done, you go home! He ran the 800m in 2:44.6, which is fantastic. I believe it's a half-mile, so for him to be able to do that in sub 6 minutes is fantastic. He started great, then got tired on the backstretch of the 2nd lap, but still finished strong. His mom and I are very proud of him.
Next week is Spring Break, so that means no practice. That's what HE thinks! He will be running daily, possibly twice a day. Depends on my mood and how cruel I am. Hey, he wants to succeed, he's gotta work at it.
Bought tickets for the local AA baseball team here. Have tix to 5 games, 4 of them are front row!! Can't wait! Buncha different giveaways, beautiful small stadium, great games and lots of fun. Who knows, maybe this year I'll get to ride the tricycle (will fill you in IF they let me!).
Anthony had his first track meet on Monday. We waited 2 1/2 hours for his run, which lasted less than 3 minutes. So much different than cross country. In X-Ctry, ALL the boys run at the same time. In T&F, there are a multitude of events, so you sit and wait for your child to run, you watch, you cheer, he gets done, you go home! He ran the 800m in 2:44.6, which is fantastic. I believe it's a half-mile, so for him to be able to do that in sub 6 minutes is fantastic. He started great, then got tired on the backstretch of the 2nd lap, but still finished strong. His mom and I are very proud of him.
Next week is Spring Break, so that means no practice. That's what HE thinks! He will be running daily, possibly twice a day. Depends on my mood and how cruel I am. Hey, he wants to succeed, he's gotta work at it.
Bought tickets for the local AA baseball team here. Have tix to 5 games, 4 of them are front row!! Can't wait! Buncha different giveaways, beautiful small stadium, great games and lots of fun. Who knows, maybe this year I'll get to ride the tricycle (will fill you in IF they let me!).
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Another Sunday...
And here I am posting again. Sitting here watching Spongebob (not much else on). Ann has to go to work later, and I have some errands to run. New washer/dryer coming on Tuesday so have to clear out the garage so they can get through to the laundry room. I get to work from home that day, which is good and bad. Good because I don't have to put up with a lot of "background noise" from some that I work with, but bad because I am more comfortable at my desk rather than my kitchen table. Ah well, take the good with the bad.
Quiet weekend. Ann worked yesterday, Anthony didn't feel like going anywhere, so we sat and watched some rasslin', a couple of movies, and played some Nintendo. Typical lazy male day. Will make up for that day, just hoping the sun comes out some.
Quiet weekend. Ann worked yesterday, Anthony didn't feel like going anywhere, so we sat and watched some rasslin', a couple of movies, and played some Nintendo. Typical lazy male day. Will make up for that day, just hoping the sun comes out some.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Yesterday's post...
Was deleted. But for those of you that read my blog, please remember the personal content. As I stated, this blog is for ME now, not for you. It's a place for me to vent my frustrations, brag on accomplishments, and basically a way to remember shit I can no longer remember because I believe I am ill. It is not a place for anyone to say "wow, I feel bad for him" or "hey, that's great for him" because I am at a point in my life that I don't care what you think!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Sunday evening...
Had a good day today. Was great, downgraded to good. I'll explain...
Went out this morning with the wife, bought a new washer/dryer. That was great. We really need new ones. They will be delivered in 9 days. WHY 9 days you ask? The dryer is out of stock, will not be in for 7 days. That's cool. Gives me a chance to work it out at my job to work from home that day. Trying to do that without a plan in place always seems to fail for me. Also went to Wal-Mart (where else, I am in Arkansas you know), bought 2 new dress shirts and 2 new suit pants. Forgot the shoe polish though. Rats! That's OK. STILL a great day.
Came home, watched some of the NY Islanders game, they are winning. WOOHOO! Consecutive games at home, won them both! Where was this all season? STILL a great day! Decided to go outside and play with my new chainsaw. Bought it yesterday. Need it to clean up all of the down tree limbs in my yard from last month's ice storm. Tried it with a manual saw, lucky to still have my thumb. Got about 1/2 of them cut up to a decent point, STILL a great day!
Came in the house, got on Facebook, and started reading posts from a couple of friends. One of them started this morning with "Who wants to walk on the beach?" I would LOVE that! But, again, I am in Arkansas. We have lakes. I have yet to find the damned thing, and I've been here 5 1/2 years! There is a small lake, and I can honestly say unless it rains tomorrow that's where I will be for 60 minutes while I am at lunch. Then, another friend posted something, and there were 2 of us that made comments to it, all very fun. This person, who I've seen comment with me on others before, sent a friend request. It's a person I have not spoken to in about 20 years. Went through her photos (it's what I do, that's why they are there), and she looks amazing. She's got multiple pictures of herself at the beach. See a pattern here??
I lived on Long Island from 1972 until 2003 (31 years), and went to the beach CONSTANTLY when I was there. I would go for sunrises, sunsets, middle of the day, even at night when the place was "closed". You were not keeping me away from the water. Now I have been away from it for 5 1/2 years, and I found it's killing me!
Because of this, my day was downgraded from GREAT to GOOD. Don't tell my boss. The motto at work is "Good to Great!" He won't like this. I don't like it either. I feel a road trip coming real soon. Anyone got a corner I can sleep in?
Went out this morning with the wife, bought a new washer/dryer. That was great. We really need new ones. They will be delivered in 9 days. WHY 9 days you ask? The dryer is out of stock, will not be in for 7 days. That's cool. Gives me a chance to work it out at my job to work from home that day. Trying to do that without a plan in place always seems to fail for me. Also went to Wal-Mart (where else, I am in Arkansas you know), bought 2 new dress shirts and 2 new suit pants. Forgot the shoe polish though. Rats! That's OK. STILL a great day.
Came home, watched some of the NY Islanders game, they are winning. WOOHOO! Consecutive games at home, won them both! Where was this all season? STILL a great day! Decided to go outside and play with my new chainsaw. Bought it yesterday. Need it to clean up all of the down tree limbs in my yard from last month's ice storm. Tried it with a manual saw, lucky to still have my thumb. Got about 1/2 of them cut up to a decent point, STILL a great day!
Came in the house, got on Facebook, and started reading posts from a couple of friends. One of them started this morning with "Who wants to walk on the beach?" I would LOVE that! But, again, I am in Arkansas. We have lakes. I have yet to find the damned thing, and I've been here 5 1/2 years! There is a small lake, and I can honestly say unless it rains tomorrow that's where I will be for 60 minutes while I am at lunch. Then, another friend posted something, and there were 2 of us that made comments to it, all very fun. This person, who I've seen comment with me on others before, sent a friend request. It's a person I have not spoken to in about 20 years. Went through her photos (it's what I do, that's why they are there), and she looks amazing. She's got multiple pictures of herself at the beach. See a pattern here??
I lived on Long Island from 1972 until 2003 (31 years), and went to the beach CONSTANTLY when I was there. I would go for sunrises, sunsets, middle of the day, even at night when the place was "closed". You were not keeping me away from the water. Now I have been away from it for 5 1/2 years, and I found it's killing me!
Because of this, my day was downgraded from GREAT to GOOD. Don't tell my boss. The motto at work is "Good to Great!" He won't like this. I don't like it either. I feel a road trip coming real soon. Anyone got a corner I can sleep in?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
It's Saturday evening, and here I am blogging. Let's face it, I'm boring. My son is in his room watching something on television, and I am in the living room, watching something on television and blogging. Ann is at work for about another hour, then she'll come home, we'll eat dinner, and sit here watching something on television. See a trend here??
Today I did the usual..went to pay my car loan and did the grocery shopping. The list was the smallest I think it's ever been, but I spent more than usual LOL! I actually bought 2 of many things (you would have thought I was buying for Noah's Ark the way it looked). Later on, Anthony went to his friend's house for awhile. While he was out, I went to the line to buy some wine, then went to Home Depot to buy a chain saw. What a combination huh? The wine is for Ann (I don't drink anymore, I am "on the wagon"), the chain saw, however, is for me! I have many tree limbs in the yard that came down with last month's ice storm and I must get rid of them.
Tomorrow looks to be a good day. I have some shopping to do. Need to get a couple of new dress shirts, and hopefully I can find a pair of pants that actually fit. These are for work, which is still nuts, but I am busy happy.
Like I said above, I'm boring!
Today I did the usual..went to pay my car loan and did the grocery shopping. The list was the smallest I think it's ever been, but I spent more than usual LOL! I actually bought 2 of many things (you would have thought I was buying for Noah's Ark the way it looked). Later on, Anthony went to his friend's house for awhile. While he was out, I went to the line to buy some wine, then went to Home Depot to buy a chain saw. What a combination huh? The wine is for Ann (I don't drink anymore, I am "on the wagon"), the chain saw, however, is for me! I have many tree limbs in the yard that came down with last month's ice storm and I must get rid of them.
Tomorrow looks to be a good day. I have some shopping to do. Need to get a couple of new dress shirts, and hopefully I can find a pair of pants that actually fit. These are for work, which is still nuts, but I am busy happy.
Like I said above, I'm boring!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Job update...
Good evening! Wanted to give you an update on past blogs about me applying for another position within my company. Today it is official. I have decided not to apply. I talked it over in depth with my wife, struggled with the decision for quite a few days, and in the end decided that the salary increase did not outweigh happiness and future growth within the company. Please allow me to clarify...
The role I am in is a basic role, but it is a role that allows you to grow and to learn. As a matter of fact, there is a position that will be opening in the very near future, and it is a position that I am striving to fill with my own little body. By accepting the first position, I basically take a path away from the one that I am on. I do not wish to do that. It would be fine now, but it would hurt me later on. I have spoken with a woman I work with, who I also consider a very dear friend, and she is also in the position I would have been applying for. While she is disappointed that I will not be working with her, she is glad for me because she sees what I can become, and by taking the role available to me will take me away from that. So, I'm still a CSA, still working with chilled, frozen and ice cream products, and tonight I am relaxed and happy =)
The role I am in is a basic role, but it is a role that allows you to grow and to learn. As a matter of fact, there is a position that will be opening in the very near future, and it is a position that I am striving to fill with my own little body. By accepting the first position, I basically take a path away from the one that I am on. I do not wish to do that. It would be fine now, but it would hurt me later on. I have spoken with a woman I work with, who I also consider a very dear friend, and she is also in the position I would have been applying for. While she is disappointed that I will not be working with her, she is glad for me because she sees what I can become, and by taking the role available to me will take me away from that. So, I'm still a CSA, still working with chilled, frozen and ice cream products, and tonight I am relaxed and happy =)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Another day...
We have reached the end of the weekend. Hard to believe it's March 1st already. I still (kinda) remember New Year's 2009. Well, I have pictures anyway. It turned out to be a fairly quiet weekend. Anthony was supposed to go to a friend's house but those plans fell through. Just as well, it was lousy weather yesterday (it "flurried") and today we just enjoyed a very lazy day. I got to watch a movie that I DVR'd, then took a nap. Tonight, however, there's not much on TV, so Ann and I are watching The Golden Girls on one of the cable channels. That show is STILL funny even after all these years.
Friends on the eastern side of the U.S. are getting hit with MAJOR snow tonight and tomorrow morning. In the lower section, I'm not sure how much they are getting/got, but in the northeast, they are calling for anywhere from 8 to 14 inches of snow. Now THOSE are the snowstorms I miss. What we get here isn't a "storm", it's a tease! The funny part is, it snowed yesterday, and tomorrow it will be around 60 degrees. Today I don't know what it was, I never went out.
Work is going fairly well. I made it through and got all of my promo orders written. One of them shipped this weekend, one will ship next week, the other not for another 3 weeks, so I have time with those. Tuesday we have a huge meeting that I have to be in the office at 7am for. Yay! Not too big a deal for me. I usually get into the office by 7:15 anyway, and we will be in a different office that is closer to home, so it will not be so bad.
Hoping someone in the Northeast takes some good snow photos by the water, although that will make me homesick.
Friends on the eastern side of the U.S. are getting hit with MAJOR snow tonight and tomorrow morning. In the lower section, I'm not sure how much they are getting/got, but in the northeast, they are calling for anywhere from 8 to 14 inches of snow. Now THOSE are the snowstorms I miss. What we get here isn't a "storm", it's a tease! The funny part is, it snowed yesterday, and tomorrow it will be around 60 degrees. Today I don't know what it was, I never went out.
Work is going fairly well. I made it through and got all of my promo orders written. One of them shipped this weekend, one will ship next week, the other not for another 3 weeks, so I have time with those. Tuesday we have a huge meeting that I have to be in the office at 7am for. Yay! Not too big a deal for me. I usually get into the office by 7:15 anyway, and we will be in a different office that is closer to home, so it will not be so bad.
Hoping someone in the Northeast takes some good snow photos by the water, although that will make me homesick.
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