Two more months to New York. Or Las Vegas (probably not going there). Or Colorado. Or Nebraska. Basically I want to go far, far away, to a place I've never been. Colorado in November probably not the best idea. I heard they get snow early. Nebraska, not sure what they get and when. I know tornado season should be done by then. New York still seems like the best choice. Get some pizza, maybe go to a hockey game. Definitely go to the ocean. Basically, these plans are what is keeping me going.
Have also been thinking about "friends" lately. I've mentioned this before. People in general make me laugh. They say "we're friends!". Yeah...OK. Let's think about this. Will you invite me to your home for dinner or to hang out? Will you call me and say "hey, so-and-so and I are going to hang out after work, wanna come?" Nope. And you know what? I won't call you either. When I see you, I will be as cordial as I believe you deserve from me.
As I stated above, I am planning to go to NY in a couple of months. I think I may have found someone to visit while I am there. A woman I knew through high school (and a short time beyond) is still there. She and I lost touch due to some of her own personal demons she was dealing with. My understanding is she is past them now, and trying to make amends with those she hurt during that period. I let her know I may be going up to NY, will see what happens. At least baseball season will be almost done by then ... she's a NY Yankees fan! BOO! LMAO!!