Yes, my trip to New York is on hiatus. After getting a quote on a package including flight, rental car and hotel (for 3 and 4 nights), and looking online to price rental cars for a 9 day road trip, figuring in gas prices and the like, I found that this trip cannot currently be afforded. Not that close to Christmas. A smart move on my part. The one holiday I can tolerate is Christmas, and I do not want to be in a situation where I cannot buy a gift or choose not to pay a few bills. So, I am planning for a trip in April or May 2011. By then I will be through the holidays and I can do my budget for 2011 and see what I can save each month. Plus, I hope there is a bonus at work which will help subsidize the trip.
Now all I have to do is survive the next 7 months with not being able to get to the ocean.