Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What a week so far...

The temperatures have been around 100 (or better according to the thermometer in my truck) for a few days now. We have not had high temperatures under 90 for weeks. I warned everyone it was going to be a hot summer. How did I know? Read back, my faithful followers and you'll see the posts about all of the snow and ice we had earlier in 2010. This is the normal pattern. Rough winter, harsh summer. Hopefully this winter will be mild so my son and I can play basketball on the driveway on Christmas morning like we have in the past.

Attended a 2-day conference (yesterday and today -- 5 hours each). Then had another one this afternoon, which was over 2 hours. So much for working. HA HA! Actually got online when I got home, cleared the inbox, ran a couple of reports, and am clear and ready for tomorrow. At least I won't have to go out in the heat. Get my AWA day (alternate work arrangements). This is a sustainability project that my company offers, where one day per week we can work from home. This saves Co2 emissions as I don't have to run my vehicle to and from work (and anywhere else I may go during the day). The great part is, after 3+ years with the company, they trust me that I won't just sit and wiggle my mouse every 20 minutes to show I'm online and not idle. And I don't. I am at my laptop pretty much all day, like I was in the office. The only bad thing is, I can smoke at home. Buy stock in Marlboro!

Other than that, all is fairly quiet. Hoping to go to the water park this weekend, last weekend before school starts for Anthony. The weekend is clear, and hopefully the weather will cooperate and not dump rain (that we've been waiting for for about 2 weeks now) on our heads. Yeah, I know. Rain at a water park. Who cares right? Well, with the heat and humidity, it could easily be a bad thunderstorm with lightning, and that kinda screws up the plans of enjoying the lazy river, the wave pool, and all the wonderful slides that rush water up my legs and pushes my balls into my nostrils. Oh, but SO much fun!!

Hope you all have a great day. And see? I didn't piss and moan once about work, because if I did, oh man!