Not very creative minded this afternoon. Actually just grateful that the sunburn I obtained on Saturday is healing and I'm in quite a bit less pain than I was Sunday and yesterday.
Saturday we went to a water park in Branson MO. It was WONDERFUL! The temperature was about 84 degrees, there was some cloud cover, a small breeze. The water temperature was beyond perfect. Well, after being there about 3 hours, someone decided they had enough of the clouds, and they all went away. Out comes the sun. In just 6 minutes (yes, SIX!) I found a whole new respect for bacon, because damn if I did not feel like a strip in a frying pan. Yeah, yeah, some tell me that even with the cloud cover I would still have been burnt. Yes, I know! These are the jackasses that don't understand a story, they HAVE to be right all the fucking time! As I was saying, in just 6 minutes, I went from a "decently not totally white as a sheet" color to RED! I thought about sunscreen, and decided against it. How much worse could it have gotten? Four hours later, when we left, it was only worse on my feet. The rest of me was fried a long time earlier.
Still planning my trip. HOWEVER, ran into a "snafu" as one my direct co-workers is due to have a baby that week. She will naturally be out of the office before that time, and with me out? I am hoping that my bosses find another cover for the business. Because I'll be damned if I'm missing my vacation!