Friday, October 29, 2010


The first one since the end of December 2009. It's here! Don't tell my boss, but I will be working on Monday from home for a short time. The coworker I was supposed to train on reports that I do was unable to get trained due to issues on her business, AND she's not even going to be in the office on Monday. Being the report cannot wait, I'm doing it. Then on Tuesday morning, I have to be on to run a report for the manager. That won't take me long though, then the work laptop will not be turned on again until the weekend, when I clear out all of the emails.

Yay for me!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Been a few days...

Tried posting a couple of times on my personal laptop, but I have something blocking my access, so I didn't. Also, been a very busy few days at work. Actually worked all day this past Saturday writing orders.

Let's get you, my loyal reader(s), up to date. Ann and Anthony are NOT going to New York in December. We "discussed" it (I said no, she said oh! ok) and determined that we are finally able to start saving money, and with the holidays coming it just wouldn't work very well. The couch was comfortable, thanks for asking :)

The woman I am covering for at work was being induced yesterday (she's pregnant and due in early November). Have not heard if she had the baby yet. Hopefully she has it today. She mentioned not wanting to have it on the 28th so hopefully her wish is granted. Also hoping she and the baby are doing well.

Next week I am on .. wait for it .. VACATION!! What am I, NUTS?!? I planned this vacation early in the year, which was fine. Did not expect to be covering another desk when vacation rolled around, which means I have to have others cover my ORIGINAL desk while I'm gone. With all the changes that have gone on in my office over the past few months, the ones being trained are "new" to my categories and therefore unfamiliar with them. I am just hoping I do not come back to a huge mess. It should be OK, there is a great support system here. But still .. I have trust issues to begin with. I would have been very satisfied to just have Wed to Fri off and work Monday and Tuesday. Requested and rejected! Ah well, such is life.

So, what are my plans for vacation? Sleep alot! Maybe catch up on some movies I haven't seen in forever that I have on my DVR (yeah right!). Hoping to hit Cherokee Casino for a morning poker tournament, or maybe go to Downstream Casino for a 2pm tournament. One thing I am DEFINITELY doing is going to Bordertown Casino. They have an OTB (Off Track Betting -- read back, I posted this before!), and the Breeders Cup (as I like to call it by the original name) is the weekend after my birthday. I have not bet on horses in 7 years, and they have a great setup there. So, Friday and Saturday I will be there. The good thing is that will pretty much be the only good track running, so there aren't many other races to bet on (saves money) but there is like 45 minutes or more between races (boring!) so have to find a way to kill time. In a casino. Oy! May just do the Saturday card, not sure yet. Will see what's going on.

Hey, I am receiving a VIA award at work (Values In Action). Myself and a co-worker in my office, for something we did with a project on margarine. Damned if we remember what we did, but it was recognized, and for this I am honored. Hopefully it comes with pictures showing what we did LOL!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This week started out OK. Found out early yesterday that Ann had to go to a training seminar at the high school last night, so Anthony and I were on our own for dinner. Asked him what he wanted, gave him time to think about it, was hoping he'd say Steak & Shake. Nope. McDonalds. Oh well. Frankly, I'm getting tired of it. Anyway, I went and got it, we watched the Islanders play the Maple Leafs (HOCKEY, BABY!! YESSSSS!!). We won in OT 2-1 so I'm happy.

Got all my reports done this week with a lot less confusion than last week. Seems I am slowly catching on to what I'm supposed to be doing. That's a plus!

And that's when it all falls apart. Talked to Ann on her break, and got the dreaded "I have to ask you a question" statement. If it's asking me if you can invite a woman over for some extra fun, SURE! If it's asking me if I wouldn't mind having an affair with one of her female co-workers who is going through a nasty divorce and needs some help to get through it, SURE! But nooooo. She says "I'm working full time now. Can Anthony and I go to NY in December for Aunt Mary's 90th birthday?" Well SHIT! We are FINALLY able to save some money. And now, weeks before Christmas, she wants to spend close to $800 to go see family...AGAIN! I'm honestly ready to tell her to just go live the fuck up there. Her sister has the room, now that all the boys are grown and on their own! There are daycares in Pennsylvania, right??

The only bright spot is that she is only at the new job a couple of months, so she may have a problem getting a day off. Now that I typed it out loud (and thought it more than once), there will be absolutely NO issue with her getting a day off! FUCK!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Not much going on...

Work has been fun. Trying to learn a new job while working on a schedule to train those that will cover me. Today's numbers did NOT look good, and we all hit the panic button. Turned out it wasn't anything we did, which is wonderful. Still have to keep a close eye on things for a few days though, make sure nothing gets screwed up.

Friday and Saturday is my son's High School Forensics/Debate tournament. It is taking place at his HS and he has to "work" the event. Please do not ask me why his class is not able to participate, because I do not have an answer for this. I DO, however, know that I will be volunteering my time for this event. Saturday from 11am until 1pm, I get to be a supervisor in the concession area. Then from 1 until 5pm, I will be demoted to cashier. What I did NOT realize when I signed up for these shifts is that Arkanas is playing Auburn at 2:30pm, and I will wind up missing most (if not all) of the game. I wonder if we will have a radio available to listen to it at least.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Did I get smacked too hard??

The past 3 days I have suffered 4 bloody noses ... or is it 5? I can't remember. The first two happened Friday at 3:30am. On Wednesday(overnight to Thursday AM) I woke up at 2:30 to blow my nose, then went back to sleep. I didn't realize until the next morning that I had nothing but blood come out. Thursday (overnight to Friday AM), I woke up at 3:30 .. WAIT! I said that already, and don't feel like backspacing. Anyway, I went to the doctor and he gave me nose spray and no idea what it could be. Said if it continues I need to go to an ENT specialist. Made it all the way through to Saturday evening and it started again. And, then once again this morning. Going to get the number for a specialist tomorrow and go from there. This is going to screw up all the plans I had this week :(

UPDATE 9:42pm -- Well, it started again after dinner. This time took longer than usual to stop, and when it did stop, it started right up again. Went to the ER and doctor said it's a blood vessel that was broken. He cortorized (sp? -- oh hell, he glued it or something) the vessel and gave me a nose spray I have to use 2 times a day for 3 days. It should not start bleeding again, and if it does it should not be anywhere as severe as it has been. Now I can only hope I don't sneeze :)

UPDATE #2 10-11-2010 12:00pm - Wound up back at the hospital this morning! Woke up at 4:30am and the bleeding was the worst it has been since this started. The glue did not hold, and the bleeding took over 10 minutes to stop. Now I am sitting, having to work from home, with something up my nose to absorb any blood that may decide to try to come out. I will tell you this though. If I DO start bleeding again, it's going to take a bath towel to catch it all if it does what it did this morning. What did I do to deserve this????

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

One hand washes the other...

And BOTH wind up smacking me right in the face!

Well, I decided to go to the casino on Sunday after all to play in a poker tournament. I knew there would not be many people there because another casino is holding a huge tournament this week, so most players migrate there. Works for me. Anyway, I got to the casino about 45 minutes early, so I decided to play some slots before the tournament started. Played for about 20 minutes on the same $20 on a slot machine, didn't win much. Decided to switch machines to ones I had not seen there before. This one has 4 levels of jackpot, ranging from $13 to $1,000+. I decided to try it. After about 10 minutes, and not knowing how to hit this 4 level thing, I hit it. Long story short, I picked the right treasure chests and won $1,016 from the machine. The FIRST thought that went through my mind was "there's the new stove". I played in the tournament, came in 8th out of 22, and went home.

I got home just in time. My wife just started dinner. Making chicken cutlets. She had to use the back burner (as I mentioned, the front one wasn't working). When she started it up and put the pan on the burner, I noticed it was glowing underneath. Not common for an ELECTRIC stove. She lifted the pan, and sure enough the stove was on fire. I blew it out, and we went out to eat.

Yesterday, went to Home Depot, bought a new stove like I thought I would. This morning they came to install it. The jackasses who built the house put the electrical wire for the stove UNDER the counter against the wall of the house. Then blocked it off with a cabinet and a bunch of wood. Naturally, because these guys are not contractors, they can't go taking my kitchen apart. So, I still have the bad stove in the kitchen, the new one in the garage, and tonight I get to play home wrecker. If you don't hear from me for awhile, it means this did NOT end well!

UPDATED 10-06-2010: A husband of my wife's co-worker (keeping up?) came over last night, took one look at the wire for the stove and determined it was hard wired. This means it could easily be used to hook up the new stove, and that is just what he did. All is right with the world, and I didn't collapse my counter in the kitchen!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

It's October...

And it's Fall (capitalized, because it's the name of a season, is that right?). Anyway, woke up to the house being a balmy 68 degrees, so immediatey the windows were closed and the ceiling fans shut off. I refuse to put the heat on this early. Wear a sweater if you're cold ... or in my case, pants! Hey, don't judge!!

I think I was supposed to blog about something particular this weekend, but I don't really feel like it. Plus, the person that mentioned the topic didn't remind me so I won't. Right now my mind is on other things anyway. This week at work should be great. The sales team is out for a few days, nothing much going on with the exception of some truck building. Maybe I will actually have time to train people on how to do my job. That's my goal, and I'm sticking to it.

Thinking of going to play poker today, but that will probably not happen. Appears I have a problem with the big burner on my stove. The one I thought I fixed. Last night it did not heat up at all. Connection looks good, just no juice. I am really hoping I do not have to replace it. I'm tired of saving money, only to spend it 3 days later because something went wrong.

Mowed my back lawn again yesterday. This time mowed at a level 2 and bagged it. Damn it looks nice! Also, no rain in the forecast for the next few days, so shouldn't grow too much. Give me a reprieve from mowing. Will have to do the front lawn again this week, also at a level 2. Then both halves will look nice. Yay me.

Well that's it for now. Gotta do the laundry.