This week started out OK. Found out early yesterday that Ann had to go to a training seminar at the high school last night, so Anthony and I were on our own for dinner. Asked him what he wanted, gave him time to think about it, was hoping he'd say Steak & Shake. Nope. McDonalds. Oh well. Frankly, I'm getting tired of it. Anyway, I went and got it, we watched the Islanders play the Maple Leafs (HOCKEY, BABY!! YESSSSS!!). We won in OT 2-1 so I'm happy.
Got all my reports done this week with a lot less confusion than last week. Seems I am slowly catching on to what I'm supposed to be doing. That's a plus!
And that's when it all falls apart. Talked to Ann on her break, and got the dreaded "I have to ask you a question" statement. If it's asking me if you can invite a woman over for some extra fun, SURE! If it's asking me if I wouldn't mind having an affair with one of her female co-workers who is going through a nasty divorce and needs some help to get through it, SURE! But nooooo. She says "I'm working full time now. Can Anthony and I go to NY in December for Aunt Mary's 90th birthday?" Well SHIT! We are FINALLY able to save some money. And now, weeks before Christmas, she wants to spend close to $800 to go see family...AGAIN! I'm honestly ready to tell her to just go live the fuck up there. Her sister has the room, now that all the boys are grown and on their own! There are daycares in Pennsylvania, right??
The only bright spot is that she is only at the new job a couple of months, so she may have a problem getting a day off. Now that I typed it out loud (and thought it more than once), there will be absolutely NO issue with her getting a day off! FUCK!!