Thursday, October 14, 2010

Not much going on...

Work has been fun. Trying to learn a new job while working on a schedule to train those that will cover me. Today's numbers did NOT look good, and we all hit the panic button. Turned out it wasn't anything we did, which is wonderful. Still have to keep a close eye on things for a few days though, make sure nothing gets screwed up.

Friday and Saturday is my son's High School Forensics/Debate tournament. It is taking place at his HS and he has to "work" the event. Please do not ask me why his class is not able to participate, because I do not have an answer for this. I DO, however, know that I will be volunteering my time for this event. Saturday from 11am until 1pm, I get to be a supervisor in the concession area. Then from 1 until 5pm, I will be demoted to cashier. What I did NOT realize when I signed up for these shifts is that Arkanas is playing Auburn at 2:30pm, and I will wind up missing most (if not all) of the game. I wonder if we will have a radio available to listen to it at least.