Tuesday, October 5, 2010

One hand washes the other...

And BOTH wind up smacking me right in the face!

Well, I decided to go to the casino on Sunday after all to play in a poker tournament. I knew there would not be many people there because another casino is holding a huge tournament this week, so most players migrate there. Works for me. Anyway, I got to the casino about 45 minutes early, so I decided to play some slots before the tournament started. Played for about 20 minutes on the same $20 on a slot machine, didn't win much. Decided to switch machines to ones I had not seen there before. This one has 4 levels of jackpot, ranging from $13 to $1,000+. I decided to try it. After about 10 minutes, and not knowing how to hit this 4 level thing, I hit it. Long story short, I picked the right treasure chests and won $1,016 from the machine. The FIRST thought that went through my mind was "there's the new stove". I played in the tournament, came in 8th out of 22, and went home.

I got home just in time. My wife just started dinner. Making chicken cutlets. She had to use the back burner (as I mentioned, the front one wasn't working). When she started it up and put the pan on the burner, I noticed it was glowing underneath. Not common for an ELECTRIC stove. She lifted the pan, and sure enough the stove was on fire. I blew it out, and we went out to eat.

Yesterday, went to Home Depot, bought a new stove like I thought I would. This morning they came to install it. The jackasses who built the house put the electrical wire for the stove UNDER the counter against the wall of the house. Then blocked it off with a cabinet and a bunch of wood. Naturally, because these guys are not contractors, they can't go taking my kitchen apart. So, I still have the bad stove in the kitchen, the new one in the garage, and tonight I get to play home wrecker. If you don't hear from me for awhile, it means this did NOT end well!

UPDATED 10-06-2010: A husband of my wife's co-worker (keeping up?) came over last night, took one look at the wire for the stove and determined it was hard wired. This means it could easily be used to hook up the new stove, and that is just what he did. All is right with the world, and I didn't collapse my counter in the kitchen!