Tried posting a couple of times on my personal laptop, but I have something blocking my access, so I didn't. Also, been a very busy few days at work. Actually worked all day this past Saturday writing orders.
Let's get you, my loyal reader(s), up to date. Ann and Anthony are NOT going to New York in December. We "discussed" it (I said no, she said oh! ok) and determined that we are finally able to start saving money, and with the holidays coming it just wouldn't work very well. The couch was comfortable, thanks for asking :)
The woman I am covering for at work was being induced yesterday (she's pregnant and due in early November). Have not heard if she had the baby yet. Hopefully she has it today. She mentioned not wanting to have it on the 28th so hopefully her wish is granted. Also hoping she and the baby are doing well.
Next week I am on .. wait for it .. VACATION!! What am I, NUTS?!? I planned this vacation early in the year, which was fine. Did not expect to be covering another desk when vacation rolled around, which means I have to have others cover my ORIGINAL desk while I'm gone. With all the changes that have gone on in my office over the past few months, the ones being trained are "new" to my categories and therefore unfamiliar with them. I am just hoping I do not come back to a huge mess. It should be OK, there is a great support system here. But still .. I have trust issues to begin with. I would have been very satisfied to just have Wed to Fri off and work Monday and Tuesday. Requested and rejected! Ah well, such is life.
So, what are my plans for vacation? Sleep alot! Maybe catch up on some movies I haven't seen in forever that I have on my DVR (yeah right!). Hoping to hit Cherokee Casino for a morning poker tournament, or maybe go to Downstream Casino for a 2pm tournament. One thing I am DEFINITELY doing is going to Bordertown Casino. They have an OTB (Off Track Betting -- read back, I posted this before!), and the Breeders Cup (as I like to call it by the original name) is the weekend after my birthday. I have not bet on horses in 7 years, and they have a great setup there. So, Friday and Saturday I will be there. The good thing is that will pretty much be the only good track running, so there aren't many other races to bet on (saves money) but there is like 45 minutes or more between races (boring!) so have to find a way to kill time. In a casino. Oy! May just do the Saturday card, not sure yet. Will see what's going on.
Hey, I am receiving a VIA award at work (Values In Action). Myself and a co-worker in my office, for something we did with a project on margarine. Damned if we remember what we did, but it was recognized, and for this I am honored. Hopefully it comes with pictures showing what we did LOL!