Sunday, October 10, 2010

Did I get smacked too hard??

The past 3 days I have suffered 4 bloody noses ... or is it 5? I can't remember. The first two happened Friday at 3:30am. On Wednesday(overnight to Thursday AM) I woke up at 2:30 to blow my nose, then went back to sleep. I didn't realize until the next morning that I had nothing but blood come out. Thursday (overnight to Friday AM), I woke up at 3:30 .. WAIT! I said that already, and don't feel like backspacing. Anyway, I went to the doctor and he gave me nose spray and no idea what it could be. Said if it continues I need to go to an ENT specialist. Made it all the way through to Saturday evening and it started again. And, then once again this morning. Going to get the number for a specialist tomorrow and go from there. This is going to screw up all the plans I had this week :(

UPDATE 9:42pm -- Well, it started again after dinner. This time took longer than usual to stop, and when it did stop, it started right up again. Went to the ER and doctor said it's a blood vessel that was broken. He cortorized (sp? -- oh hell, he glued it or something) the vessel and gave me a nose spray I have to use 2 times a day for 3 days. It should not start bleeding again, and if it does it should not be anywhere as severe as it has been. Now I can only hope I don't sneeze :)

UPDATE #2 10-11-2010 12:00pm - Wound up back at the hospital this morning! Woke up at 4:30am and the bleeding was the worst it has been since this started. The glue did not hold, and the bleeding took over 10 minutes to stop. Now I am sitting, having to work from home, with something up my nose to absorb any blood that may decide to try to come out. I will tell you this though. If I DO start bleeding again, it's going to take a bath towel to catch it all if it does what it did this morning. What did I do to deserve this????